" Y/N you need to calm down if you want we can-." Valeski started, but you cut him off, not being able to hold back anymore and now full on shouting at the Doctor.

" I want to get out of here! I want to go home and see my family again! I want to see my friends and see if one of them is alright! I want to be somewhere where I am not scared every single second! at the very least I want to be able to at least talk to my family!" You shouted out into the room.

You saw Elliot curl up even more into himself, probably a little frightened by your shouting. You felt bad but you were too angry right now to pay too much attention to that. Doctor Valeski Leaned forward with his hands raised and opened his mouth to say something. But a dark and sinister laugh filled the room. It was coming from your right.

You turned your tear stricken face to see not Jack, but Joshua with his head thrown back and laughing almost to the point where he could not breathe anymore. At that, your face fell from an angered one to more of a shocked one.

After laughing for a minute he lowered his head and gave you a smile, an almost sympathetic, but all the same mocking smile. His expression not bored for once.

" Dear, dear Y/n. You're not getting out of here, No one is, No one cares for us. Not the Doctors, not your friends, not your family. After all, who could love monsters like us. Even if you are telling the truth, now that you have been here, no none of those people will ever care for you again." He said in a mocking tone of voice.

" You don't know that, You don't know my family." You seethed out at him. He chuckled before speaking again.

" If they really cared about you, then why have they not come to visit you? call the institute or even write to you for that matter?" He asked in a cruel voice.

You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. You turned to the Doctor for any confirmation on that account, but he just looked at you sadly.

" Don't worry Y/n, we are your family now," Willy said from your left. You couldn't hold back the sob that escaped your throat, leaning down, and crying into your knees.

- -

You were unchained from the rest of your group members after you were led into the courtyard. Everyone going to their usual places. Except for you, You followed a little slowly behind Elliot as he made his way to his garden.

You stood behind him for a second as he knelt down and started tending to his plants. You didn't know if you should, but you already started it yesterday. You might as well not let it die out.

You walked around his side to the same spot you were at yesterday and knelt down too. He froze and hunched up again just like he did yesterday. Looking at you from the corner of his eye. You smiled at him again

" Hi Elliot, Can I help you again today?" You asked, but as expected he did not reply. So you reached forward anyway and started to rid the garden of the weeds that Elliot had trouble getting out himself. He stayed still like he did yesterday. Unlike yesterday though, where it was mostly quiet, you started talking to him.

" I... I'm sorry for yelling earlier." You said, pausing for a second afterward then continuing. " I was just so frustrated with the Doctor, He just doesn't listen to us. He only hears us then tells us what we need to do that goes along with what he thinks. But it doesn't help us much does it?"

No later than the question left your lips your left hand, the one closest to the giant was suddenly enclosed in a bone-crushing grip. You cried out and looked up at Elliot's whose face was now only an inch away from yours, Glaring at you with his bloodshot eyes. His sneer was now more of a snarl and his breaths resonated with low growls as they hit your face in warm waves.

"Elliot, please stop!" You whimpered out at your hand started to turn a bright red. Where the heck were the Guards?! You could not turn your head to look through. He growled even louder and his grip got harder as you tried to yank your hand back. It did not work in the slightest though. It was like trying to pull your hand out from under a boulder. Before you could even think words were tumbling out of your mouth.

" I know what you're trying to do!" You cried out, desperate for him to let your hand go before it broke into a million pieces. "You're trying to hurt me to scare me! So I will go away and not come back! But I'm not going to go! I know how lonely you are but you don't want anyone to know it! You need someone as much as I do, Someone to stick with so we're not alone in this Hell!" You screeched out as his grip on your hand tightened with every sentence. You were almost seeing stars at this point, the pain was so intense.

The tears that haunted you earlier were now back in full force. Right before the bones in your hand gave way Elliot's grip on your hand disappeared. You quickly brought your hand to your chest and away from him. A good 60% of your hand was already turning an angry shade of purple.

The skin in some places had even split and parts of your hand were covered in bright red blood. It would need medical attention You cradled your hand to your chest as you cried. Looking up at Elliot after examining your hand. The snarl had disappeared and he had a shocked and almost lost expression. With wide and startled eyes.

Through the pain and tears, you forced a smile on your face for him. Reaching over with your uninjured hand and placing it on his hand. It was a risky gamble, but you were determined to show him kindness, it might very well have been the first kindness he ever received.

He flinched at your touch but did not snap again. In fact, the Giant looked almost frightened now. You looked at his hands. They were so dirty, so cracked, and the one that crushed your left hand had smudges of your blood on it. You looked back up to his eyes that were still looking at you widely. With as wide as they were you could see just how bad and bloodshot they actually were, there was mostly red and very little white.

" Hey... It's ok, Your scared, I'm scared, it's ok to be scared." You said with a smile. " After all, if you really are my new family, then I forgive you." You said softly as if speaking to a frightened child.

You didn't miss the tear that slipped out of his left eye and landed on your hands.

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