I hate him

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Why today? Out of all days, why would there have to be a new kid in my school? I mean I don't mind, but still. I heard this guy was not to be messed with, and sure as hell I wasn't gonna be around him. I mean to be honest, I think people were just saying that to just get attention. I don't know, but that's my opinion. I got ready to start school. I straightened my hair and wore skinny jeans, with my favorite red top along with my new red Adidas. I put some eyeliner and some eye shadow. Anyways my dad told this would be loads of "fun". When I got there, let's just say there were loads of girls surrounding "him" by the schools entrance.... Just my luck. How the hell am I going to get through. I tried my best going through the huge ass crowd of swarming, yet running girls around this guy. I mean seriously, who did this guy think he was? "Excuse me. Excuse me.  Thanks. Excuse me." Thank god I made it out alive. I went to my first hour. Mr. Jackson stopped in the middle of teaching class. As soon as the new guy walked in. "Sorry to stop teaching, but there is a new student here,  he would like to say a few words. Oh and girls don't be all over. Now Dallas if you don't mind." "Dallas" got up and said "Sup guys. I'm Cameron Alexander Dallas. Most of you. Not all, but most of you can call me Cam. Just to set a few rules here, my nicknames are not "New Kid" "New Guy" or new anything... Comprende? Just to make things clear enough for you guys, I don't want anyone coming up to me asking me to join any "clubs". Alright? Make it a normal school for me. Or at least try to." All the girls in the front were practically drooling. I rolled my eyes. Oh god, kill me now. After class I headed to my locker. I grabbed my for chemistry and headed there when all of a sudden "Cam" pushed them from my arm. They all went to the floor. Even the papers. "Dude are you seriously gonna push my books out of hand and not help me? Are you serious right now!?" I yelled at him with a dead eye stare. Everyone was looking at us. "Uh, Yeah." He turned around and I started picking up my books and papers. "Asswipe." He turned around he walked over to me. "What the hell did you just call me?" He gave me a stare. "You heard me." I said with attitude. "Well is this  what you want me to say? I'm sorry?" He gave me attitude back.  "I'd be nice." I faked smiled. "Well, honey I'm not nice." He faked smiled. He turned around, turned back around then he slapped me. It really stung. "Asshole." Is the last thing I said to him before I ran off crying. I hate him.

Why was love even invented (Cameron Dallas/Taylor Caniff fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu