So You Love Me Huh?

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It was the next day at school. I passed Cameron and he passed by me like nothing happened. Which is what I exactly wanted. Angelica transferred here and I was really happy. But so did Jack, but who cares they 'love each other'. Me, I don't believe in love. Its highly... Overrated. "Hey beautiful." Angie said. "Hey" I said while closing my locker. "You like someone.. but who?" She said as she was squinting at me. I looked her she can't know. "What?! No!" I said as I pushed her. "Uhn huh. Okay." She said with and eyebrow up. I laughed. "Let's go nimrod." I said laughing again. Me and her walked to our first hour. Cameron was there. Angie was sitting next to me. Class started. "So class what you guys are about to learn is the human body. I know, I know. Finally. But..." He trailed off as I was day dreaming. Cameron passed me a note. 'Dreaming about me aren't yah?' I rolled my eyes 'nope' He frowned. I giggled. 'Awww... Not even a little?' He was looking at me. I shook my head 'no'. He made a fake crying face. I giggled again. After class this guy went up to me. "Hey, um I was wondering if you'd want to hang out?" He asked. "Sure... I guess." You said confused. He left. "That guy you we're talking to is gonna set you up.. Don't go." I turned around. It was Cameron. "Aww is someone jealous?" You said sarcastically. "No, but I'm just telling you. So you won't get hurt." He said. He looked like he actually meant it. I thought he didn't like me. "Can I see for myself?" I asked. "Do whatever. Just don't come crawling to me for forgiveness." He said. "Excuse me." I said a little irritated by what he said. "I said that you'll be sorry when you see I'm right." He said irritated also. "Well Cameron I highly doubt that. He actually looks nice.. Nicer than you." I said angrily. "Hey, you know what, fuck you. Do whatever you want. Okay." He said. "And did it ever occurred to you that maybe I want to change? Maybe for someone I cared for, cause I hurt her." He said and left. I felt guilty.

          *CAMERON'S POV*

I really didn't want her going. I used to do that to girls if I didn't know them. I used to set them up or prank them. I just don't want to see her get hurt. If that guy does hurt her... I'm gonna rip his heart out. Rosie doesn't deserve to be treated like that. After what I saw happen on Christmas break. But I wonder why she called for me and not her dad. I shook the thought out. The bell had already rung for us to go home, so I just walked around the block. I don't know.. more than once just to think. "Stop! Please!" It sounded like Rosie. Shit... I knew he set her up. I heard it coming from the McDonald's on the up coming street. I ran to go help her or what ever that needed my help. I stood there looking at her. She was blacked out. The guy that asked her to hang out was standing there. "You son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you!" I said pointing him. He looked scared. Good, cause he was about to get it. "Bro, wait I didn't mean for it to happen. Okay. Calm down." He said trying to get away from me. I socked him right on his lip. I grabbed his shirt. "What did she ever do to you? Huh. You dick. I really want to kill you right now." I said. "I'm sorry bro. I didn't even know you like her." He said. I rolled my eyes. "I don't like her. I love her and if you touch her again. I'm really gonna kill you. Got it?" I said. "Do you hear me?!" I said even louder. "Yea. Definetly." He said quickly. I heard a groan. I turned my head. I let go of him causing him to trip. "You stay. Rosie are you okay?" She nodded. "Okay now what do say to her?!!" I asked roughly. I looked at Rosie the whole time. "I'm so sorry Rosie. I hope we can look back at this and laugh about it." He said. My attention went in him. He flinched. I was about to say something when Rosie said "Your an absolute idiot." I closed my eyes and chuckled. "Go!" She said. He was off. I walked over to her and sat on the bench. I gave her my sweater. "Thanks." I just smiled at her. She's so beautiful. How could I have hurt like that? I looked at my shoes. There was a long pause. "You were right. I'm sorry." I looked her. "Aren't I always?" She giggled. "Shut up." She shoved me. "So you love me huh?" She asked. "I uh. I can explain." I said like a stuttering mess I was. "Its ok. Cause maybe I feel the same." I looked up at her. I looked in her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. I lent in and kissed her. It felt amazing. She kissed me back obviously. But them again who wouldn't. I'm kidding. She pulled back. I licked my lips. "Cherry. Yum." She giggled. "Whatever." She smiled at me. I got up and her too. "I should walk you home. I don't any jerk hitting you again." I said with a smile. "I'd like that." She held my hand. I looked down. I've never held someone's hand before. She pulled her hand back. "Sorry." She said with guilt. "No it's ok. I like it." I grabbed her hand. She smiled at me and I kissed her on the cheek. After that I walked her home. I said goodbye and walked home. I just couldn't stop smiling or thinking about that kiss. It was great. I love her.. a lot...

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