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Alvaro Romero

I woke up on Alejandro's bed, Alejandro somehow having his arm around my waist. I threw it off, not caring if i woke him up. I sat up, stretching and rubbing my eyes. I picked up my phone, seeing that Janie had texted me. A smile made its way to my face.

Janie Eugene was perfect to me. I met her at the store while I was with Alejandro. Alejandro was taking me shopping at that time.

"Lets go to that one!"
"Which one?" Alejandro had looked at me in confusion and I pointed to a store we was about to pass. It was a Valentine store. Alejandro just looked at me slowly before nodding, me grinning and running to it.

I paused as I stared inside. A beautiful girl with all black on with chains was in there, her hair black with deep burgundy tips and was talking to a tall, bulky guy. She was twirling her hair in the sexiest position. Her skin was beautiful as I ignored the fact she was talking to a guy. Alejandro snapped me out of it and we quickly went inside.

Me and Alejandro was talking until he had walked away to find something, then she approached me.

"Hey there, hot stuff."

She flirted, walking around me and touching my arms. I was in a trance as I stared at her. Her bangs matched her style perfectly."H-hi." I said pretty awkwardly, me cringing at my voice. She chuckled at me and stopped in front of me." The names Janie Eugene. Whats yours, handsome?"
I coughed, looking her up and down." M-my names Alvaro Romero. B-but just call me Aloe Vera."

She winked at me." Well, Aloe Vera.. Can I have your number?" I stood there dumbly before nodding excitedly and grabbing my phone out my pocket.

I watched as she typed in her number, handing it back with the sexiest smile. She walked towards me, stopping so we were shoulder to shoulder. I looked at her and she threw me a sloppy smile." Text me, I want to go on a date. You're paying." She winked, walking to the open store door. As soon as she was out my sight I sighed happily.

Alejandro soon came up to me, giving me the meanest look." Lets pay and leave." He said dryly, going to the counter. I didnt pay mind to it, because my mind was on Janie. That was the happiest day of my life.

Me and Janie has been dating for a month now and I always got her stuff because she always asked. My money was running low though, I had over 400 dollars now I had below 50.

baby can we go out? I need new shoes

baby can you wait until my next paycheck? I'm running low on money.

whens your next paycheck?

it's no time soon, it's two months from now

are you serious?!

yeahhh can we just spend time together?
Seen 9:24 am✅

I was wondering why she left me on read, but I shrugged it off." Hey..." I jumped as Alejandro's deep voice sounded in the room." Yeah?" I looked at him, he sat up and rubbed his eyes." Wanna go out? Theres a new place in Jonston's mall that opened up." He said sleepily, blinking to adjust to the sun. I laughed." Of course. Are you sure you wanna take me though?" He stopped rubbing his eyes and looked at me with a sleepy grin.

"Of course I'm sure."
I smiled, wondering why he would want to take me instead of taking a girl." Well then, I'm fine with it."

Alejandro Rosario

Alvaro went to take a quick shower, leaving his phone behind. It dinged as I was trying to find clothes and I went to it curiously. It was Janie, but the message broke my heart.

we're over because your broke. im going to be with Leon today. text me when you got money💜

I stared at the message angrily. Who the fuck do she think she is? I was about to reply back when the shower stopped, me hurriedly putting the phone down. I sat on the bed, my stomach feeling unwanted butterflies.

"You good? You look pale." I heard Alvaro joke, and I didnt have the guts to look him in the face." Check your phone." I said softly and simply. He raised a eyebrow." Come again?" I sighed." Check. Your. Phone. Alvaro." I ssid more harshly. Alvaro's eyes widened, smiling and running to the phone.

Oh no.

I watched as he opened it, reading something. I watched as his smile varied down, going into a frown. His eyes became shiny in a matter of minutes. I flinched but didnt move when he threw his phone against the wall.


I couldnt imagine what he was feeling right now, he was crying and rocking himself. His knees were up to his chest as he hugged them. My body moved on its own, wrapping my arms around his legs and back. I easily sat him on my lap, rocking him silently.

All I knew was, we wasnt going out today.


It was around 7 PM and Alvaro hasnt gotten out my bed yet. Hes been hugging me and crying silently as we laid down.
"Al, Al..... Are you okay?" I said softly, patting his back. He slowly took his head out my chest and looked at me. My heart broke into pieces, I was ready to beat Janie and Leon's ass. His eyes were so puffy, he was also shaking. His cheeks, head and chin was red, as well as his lips looking like he had red lipstick on from biting them so much.
"N-no! I'm not okay!" He yelled before stuffing his head back into my chest and crying hysterically.
I sighed, wrapping my waist around him tighter.

I took a chance, lifting us both in a sitting position and cupping his face in my hands. I began putting kisses on his face, trying my hardest to not kiss his lips." She... Didn't.... Deserve.... You.... You... Deserve.... Better.... Please.... Stop.... Crying... Youre.... Breaking.... My.... Heart...." I said in between kisses, happy when Alvaro began giggling. I kept kissing his face before leaning back and staring into his eyes. I used my thumb to wipe away his tears.

"Youre perfect, Alvaro... And You deserve so much more than a lousy gold digger," I gulped, trying to not say I could do the job perfectly if he gave me a chance." How about we freshen up and still go to that new store? Its open until ten." I gave him a small smile, him soon returning it but way more teeth included.

"Of course, thank you Alejandro."

I want him to know I love him to the moon and back. I want him to myself but I'll never find the courage to tell him. It hurts to know hes into girls, but as long as he's happy I'm happy. I love him, and soon he'll know my love for him.

surprisingly cute <alevario>Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя