Unfinished Puzzle

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Maybe it was the third time that Emily had to leave for her urgent errand. I was a little hurt not knowing my friend's secret, even though I presented my life like an open book. I kinda regret telling her every single detail, I ended up telling her my bad habit of sleep talking. She must think I am stupid. Who sleep talks! Dad told me not to worry and I wasn't born with it. It began after mom died. Weird enough I never knew my mom, even though I was almost seven when she died. Seriously whats wrong with me. Every time it feels like there's something is missing in my memories. " wil......". Why can't I remember! "Will....!" . Is this some kind of trauma. "Will!!!!" . Woah who said that. I turned around and found my dad standing at the doorstep of our house. It seemed the me who was deep in thought had skipped my house and kept on walking. We both went in and sat on the couch. "I've been noticing lately you are always spacing out ". Would it be alright to tell him but he was my dad of course he would understand. " I always get this feeling that I'm missing something in my memory like...like... like a puzzle missing a piece". " Oh like you don't remember your mother". "Ye...", weirdly he cut me off. " I already told you that maybe you were too sad that you blocked your memories". " I know but it happened again ...I....I..I don't rem.." I paused and looked at his face.  I turned my face away " Its...it's nothing.... you're right I must be over thinking". He patted my head and left for his work. It was weird my heart was beating weirdly, I didn't run but I was out of breath. His face .... for a moment he felt like a total stranger as if he didn't want to continue the conversation . That expression I had seen that somewhere before . There was blur image in my head, but who was it. Just when I thought I was close enough there was severe head ache. It was-as if a knife was piercing through my head. When the pain faded  I fell unconscious and she appeared again. " Don't ....worry mommy will be ... ba..ck..........KYAAA!".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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