▪︎the end▪︎

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god! Where did you go? Are you ok?" She fired off questioned making him smile a little. There's his girl. However his joy was cut short by the sound of bullets crashing inches from them. Five covered her head, urging her down and out of harm's way. "I'm fine." He told her. "Five, where'd you go? I thought you bailed on us!" Luther yelled ducking down as well. "I had an errand to run." Five explained surveying the theater. "This is not good." Five mumbled. "You know these guys?" Diego asked. "Yeah, I do."

"How many of these guys are there? I took care of the ones at the alley." Y/n growled. Five's brow furrowed at her statement but he figured his question could wait. "As many as it takes to kill us. I know what these guys do." Five explained. "And?" Diego sighed. "We're screwed." Five added as more gunmen started to pile into the building. Diego threw his knives at the two just entering the auditorium but there were still dozens more with dozens of guns pointed straight at them.

Suddenly Klaus came clambering into the room yelling, seemingly unaware of the danger he was walking right into. "Klaus! Get down!" Y/n yelled as the gunmen turned their weapons to him. He threw himself to the ground, taking cover behind the seats same as them. "We have no choice, we have to try and fight!" Y/n yelled and Five nodded, spatial jumping onto the back of one of the attackers, turning his gun towards the others. Y/n launched up, her hands burning as she held them out, lifting two of the assassins into the air. The struggled, but from the lack of air they dropped their guns, making them defenseless as she crushed their throats.

Five watched a mixture of pride and horror taking hold of his features. There wasn't much time for any of them to process as more gunmen came forward to take the dead ones' places. "I'm going for Klaus!" Y/n shouted, dashing toward the back where Klaus had hidden. But before she could get too close they all froze and watched as he stood, his hands glowing a fluorescent blue. His body shook violently as he came to stand at full height but it wasn't Klaus that had left them all stunned. No it was their other brother, for who they hadn't seen in years due to the death that parted them. But there he stood, tall and proud as he opened his coat setting free the monster that had not only terrorized his foes but Ben himself.

They all watched as the monster set forth, grabbing every gunman that threatened to attack, squealing as it went. The gunmen began to scream as they faced what Y/n could only describe as something they never signed up for. The terror in their screams matched ones from her childhood. Blood curdling screams that she had heard only 20 minutes ago and screams she wished she would never hear or cause again.

Five came to stand behind Y/n as tears filled her eyes. She loved her brother and though she could see him on rare occasions when Klaus's mind was clear enough for him to be seen, it was never enough. But now that he was here, it hurt more than it should've. It broke her heart to see him in such pain again and his screams were worse than anything she had remembered. Seeing him unleash the monster he always fought to contain was like watching him die all over agin. It wasn't right. "Oh my god, it's him. It's Ben." Luther said behind them as Ben continued to demolish what was left of the attackers.

Once the gunfire and screams stopped, Klaus groaned as Ben's image began to fade, leaving them all in a daze. "Now who's the lookout." Klaus chuckled as he tried to catch his breath. He let his eyes wonder to his siblings, waving off their amazement as he turned back to Vanya.

Her powers were growing, making the color from her suit bleed away into a white. Y/n thought back to what the girl had said. The yang to her yin. Together they were equal. They were strong. Maybe strong enough to end this. The building rumbled around them, Vanya's increasing power, destroying everything around her.

"Oh, welcome back. Where were you?" Luther said as Diego rejoined the group. "Honoring a memory." Diego answered shortly. Allison smiled sadly, putting her hand on his shoulder, a silent motion that meant she was there for him. "So how do you wanna end this thing?" Diego asked as they huddled around. Y/n tried to focus on what they were saying but she couldn't shake the girl's words. What she had said about Vanya and her being connected had to have meant something.

"We come at her from all angles." Luther instructed. "So it's a suicide mission." Klaus mumbled. "Yeah, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got." Five sighed. Y/n shook her head. "No, we can't do this." She tried to reason. "We don't have a choice, Y/n. I'm sorry." Five insisted. "We all in?" Luther asked. Y/n didn't say a word and it was clear that Allison didn't agree either but Luther continued, giving everyone positions to attack from.

Y/n still felt there was another way. She just had to figure it out before they attacked. "Y/n, center stage." Luther told her and she half knowingly nodded as her mind reeled for an idea. Everyone split off, taking position around the stage as Vanya continued to play, not noticing or not caring about her siblings' presence.

Y/n watched her, still determined to prove her sister was in there. They were one in the same and she deserved the same acceptance Y/n had gotten. Y/n felt horribly defeated and guilty as she let her gaze settle upon her siblings. Their father had tormented them so badly that he had left permanent scars in their minds, morphing them into the blurred image of the heroes they once were. When it came down to it, they were the apocalypse. Their entire family was the end of the world and like Grayson said, there was nothing they could do about it.

But they could try.

"Now!" Luther screamed as all of her siblings charged towards Vanya, ready to end what they had ultimately started. Time froze around her as she watched Vanya yet again whip her bow around, making all of her brothers fly into the air, held in place by a bolt of energy which slowly drained their strength. In each of their faces she could see how they had changed since the week first began and tears filled her eyes.

She loved them all more than she could ever tell them and she knew that no matter what they did their family was doomed from the start. What had started so suddenly 30 years ago that fateful October would end just as instantly and Y/n wished she could just stop time. She wanted one more shopping trip with Allison. One more adventure with Diego. One more letter to Luther. One more mini mart raid with Klaus. One more hug from Ben. One more 'I love you' for Five. But stopping time was the one power none of them possessed and she realized what she had to do.

"No!" She screamed, her powers launching her forward to the stage, colliding into Vanya.

At first there was nothing. A chill down her spine as their powers crashed against one another. A slight ringing filled Y/n's ears and a dull sting radiated all around. White light blinded them as she felt Vanya struggle against what Y/n had caused. Then it hit them both. Y/n cried out as searing pain shot through her body. Tears clouded here already blinded vision as she stared at Vanya through the bursts of black and white surging around them. Their powers grew concentrated, forming a ball which bursted skyward, out of Y/n's view.

Then she saw nothing at all.

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