Ch. 2 "A sign from the heaven"

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It was a cold rainy morning when Harry's alarm rang loudly beside his head making him fall of the bed because of the shock. He giggled to himself, took his phone in hand and turned the alarm off before walking three steps towards his bathroom. He looked at himself in the small mirror above the pale blue sink and smiled dimply at his reflection like he did every morning. He grinned until he had the toothpaste on his brush and introduced it in his mouth to scrub the morning breath away, he leaned in and rinsed his mouth before he placed his toothbrush on the side of the sink.
"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house..." Harry sang quietly to himself as he turned on the water and jumped in the shower.
He let the warm spray prepare him for the cold weather outside his apartment. Harry got out of the shower with a towel around his hips and walked into his room to get dressed. Jeans, t-shirt, coat and boots. He was ready to go.
With his keys in hand and phone in his pocket he walked through the door and down the stairs.
When the cold air hit his faced he tried to hide further into his coat as he walked to work. He stopped for some hot coffee and after he thanked the barista he went directly to Diana's.
The little bell on the top of the door jingled sweetly and Harry smlied at Diana who was right behind her desk right in front of the door.
"Morning!" He chirped grinning as he hung his coat and took another sip from his beverage.
"Morning, darling! Ready to work?" The grey haired woman asked with bright green eyes and a toothy smile.
"Yes, ma'am" Harry said and kissed her cheek before going to the back of the place where the real workshop was.
He greeted the men and women that were already working and threw his empty cup into the trashcan in the corner. He took a seat in front of his table and just after taking a deep breath he took a pencil, his template and the beige silk fabric he was working with that day.
"Time to work" he said to himself and extended the fabric over the table.
Before he made his first shoe of the day he liked to cut all the fabric so that he could just ensemble them in one simple and swift sequence.
The curly man was in his fifth pair when his phone rang. It was lunch time. He placed his tools on the table carefully and whipped his slender hands on his jeans before placing his phone back in his pocket and rounded the table with his long legs just to realize that he was the only one left... Again. Harry walked happily through the door that connected the workshop with the lobby where Diana talked to the clients, but he didn't make it too far.
A couple of steps from the door he collided with a solid body and clumsily fell onto his bum with his eyes closed tightly.
"Ow..." He whimpered at the sharp pain that shut up his spine and then looked up.
"Oh, god. I'm so sorry, Mate." An angelic high pitched voice he had never heard before ran through his ears making his breath hitch.
In front of him there was a boy with bright blue eyes, sharp cheekbones and chestnut hair in a quiff. He had broad hips, strong looking arms and thick thighs that were plastered to his jeans, Harry could see a tattoo and cleavages peaking out his white v neck and he now felt more embarrassed than he had in weeks.
"No! I mean- I'm sorry, I wasn't looking I-" Harry babbled desperately.
"Harry, darling, stop. Everything's fine" Diana's face appeared besides the blue eyed angel and Harry couldn't do anything more than blush.
"Here, love. Let me help you" the man said offering his hand to Harry, with a smile that made him think he was safer on the floor (that way he couldn't hurt himself if he fainted because of another of the man's smiles).
After staring at it for a bit,and evaluating his options, Harry took his hand and was quickly pulled up to his feet again. He dusted the back of his jeans and looked up at the boy, or down at him. He was a few inches shorter than Harry himself and well, that just made him cuter.
"I'm really sorry" said Harry sheepishly as he ran a hand through his curls.
The blue eyed man smiled up at him and shook his head gently, "No worries, mate. None of us were looking, it was an accident. Are you okay, though?" He said with his somehow raspy voice and Harry swore his knees trembled.
"Yeah..." He muttered
"Harry, dear. Where you leaving for lunch?" Diana asked as she caressed his injured arm, he just realized he had scraped his elbow.
"Uh... Yeah" he had forgotten, he looked at the boy again and smiled slightly, "I'll be fine" he said to his boss who smiled.
"Let me clean it up for you. We don't want any infections on your precious arm, do we?" Diana said as she dragged the boy to her desk and forced him to sit on it as she went to her drawer to get a first aid kit.
Harry turned to look at the man again, he couldn't help it, and said male smiled at him. The boy walked closer to the desk and stood in front of him.
"My name's Louis" he said still smiling as he once again offered Harry his hand.
"It's nice to meet you" Harry tripped over his words as he practically threw his hand towards Louis' earning a harsh tug from Diana who was applying a spray to his wound."ouch! I'm Harry"
Louis chuckled retrieving his hand and nodding, "I've been told. Actually, she said your name a lot"
Harry blushed and looked down at his -now covered with a bandage- elbow. "It wasn't even bleeding" he pouted to Diana who just kissed his cheek.
"Better safe than sorry" she said and patted his shoulder. Harry half smiled at her. "Now, now. Louis is here to see you!"
Harry stared confusedly at her, "Me?" He looked at a smiling Louis "Why do you want to see me?"
Louis laughed and nodded at Diana in a way to thank here, "I'm here, Harry... Or should I say Mr. Styles to thank you and congratulate you for your splendid work" he said with a smile that reached his eyes.
"What? But I don't do anything special" Harry said in Half a voice, why was this guy really there?
"Oh! But you do!" Louis said as he took the paper bag that he had been holding all the time and placed it on the desk right besides Harry's thigh. He introduced his small delicate hand (He's so pretty, Harry thought) inside it and then took it out holding a pink pointe shoe in it. He turned it around and showed it to Harry "Here" he said pointing to the little 'H' engraved on the sole of the shoe "This is your mark, isn't it? You made this shoe"
Harry took the destroyed object in his big hands and inspected it closely, "So this is what they are reduced to... Such a shame" he muttered to himself.
Louis soft fingers circled around Harry's wrist and brought him back to reality, "You did made this one?"
Harry nodded and handed the shoe back to an smiling Louis.
"Me and my class wanted to thank you personally! You make our favorite pointe shoes. You're one of the bests I've ever seen, I mean, used... and they all agree. It's been a while since we buy just the shoes you make and well, we wanted to thank you!"
Harry stared at him with his eyebrows knitted together, and Louis continued speaking "We didn't know who we were going to thank so I just came here hoping I'd find you and with some sushi for you hoping you'd like it. If not I could buy you lunch if you wanted"
"But... I didn't do anything special" Harry said still confused.
"Yes you do!" Diana and Louis said in unison before laughing.
"Let me invite you to lunch! That's our way to say thanks for your great work" Louis said offering Harry a sincere smile that made him feel a bit better.
"I... Okay. Sushi is good, though"
He said as he got of the desk.
"Alright!" Diana said clapping her hands once. "I do have to leave for lunch, have a date with some friends." She looked at Louis and kissed his cheek, "Feel free to stay as long as you please, dear" she said and with that she left.
After the door bell rang they stood there just looking at each other in silence.
"So... Sushi?" Louis said grinning offering a chair behind the desk to Harry.
Harry grinned dimply at him as he sat on the chair while Louis emptied his paper bag placing the items carefully on the desk before Harry.
As Louis occupied himself Harry mind was racing. There's this incredibly fit and incredibly handsome boy who moves so gracefully and speaks like an angel, bringing me one of mi favorite foods to work without even knowing me...
In that moment Harry thought that maybe all this years of being a good person were making up to him. Maybe it's karma, he thought, and if it is I'm going to work harder on being a good person because this was the best thing that ever happened to him. Maybe if I'm good enough for the following years I'll even be able to marry him.
Whoa, that escalated very fast. Stop, Harry. He told himself making himself giggle and earning a confused look from Louis.
Harry just smiled at him and Louis grinned back.
Yup, it was karma or the heavens sending a sign. He didn't know what it meant, but he didn't care much either.
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