Out Of Control

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Name: Jayden Zhao 

Nickname: Jade, Jay

Gender: Female 

Race: Chinese and Caucasian 

Sexuality: Straight 

Age: 17

Appearance: Jade is tall, pale and thin. She has long hair, down to her hips, with dyed neon green tips. Though she often wears colorful wigs to match her outfits. She has icey blue eyes and a kind smile. Jade also has a few freckles which are usually covered by her make up. 

Tattoos: She has quiet a few. To say the least. Jade has, a alien on her left arm, a tiara on her thigh, a skull on her neck, a broken heart on her middle finger, and a planet on her back. (She'll probably also get more during rps)

Piercings: She has a septum piercing. ((Again she'll probably get more)) 

Scars: None 

Health Problems:  She's diabetic 

Personality: Jade is honestly wild. She's loud, crazy, and a little obnoxious and overly confident. But don't let that fool you, she is extremely kind and loving. Though she does have a lot of problems.

Likes: Going out, having drinks, dancing, telling jokes, partying, fashion, bright colors, space, and aliens. 

Dislikes: Staying inside, being forced into things, authority figures, her mother.

Career: She volunteers to help with disabled kids 

Family: Mother- Lea Zhao Father- Aaron Lee Brother- Flynn Zhao Child- Aaron Miller 

Backstory: Jade's mother and Jade's father both worked for NASA. Her father a astronaut, and her mother just a girl behind the screens. They both loved each other immensely and soon after meeting they were married, then they had a son, then they had Jade. Jade and her father, Aaron were extremely close. He always told her stories about space, and aliens, and the unknown. But as he aged her father developed Alzheimer's disease. His stories no longer were stories to him. He eventually had to be sent away then died in the hospital when Jade was 12. This made Jade highly upset, and she started to rebel and act  out, she started drinking, going out, dating older men and more. Eventually she got pregnant with her son Aaron, who she named after her father. Ever since having him she's been trying to get better, but the dancefloor still calls to her and draws her in. 


1. You go to the same school as Jade, and honestly you had a crush on her. One night you see her dancing at a party, with your liquid courage you decide to approach her-

2. You had met Jade in a troubled teens group. You knew she had a drinking problem but you also knew she was a good person and had a young child. One night you were babysitting Aaron when Jade came in to pick him up, completely drunk. What do you to?

3. Make it up love! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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