014 :::: never have i ever- snivellus, what the fuck ??

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"Oooh, who was it?"

You scrunched up your nose, trying to remember your past crush. You had gone through a lot of them, after all.

"I think it was... Frank. Frank Longbottom."

James started to laugh, "Seriously? Frank, of all people?"

"He's a nice guy, what can I say?" You defended, your cheeks turning scarlet. "It was just a crush, anyways."

"Woah, imagine if he wasn't there and you made it onto the team. We probably would've became friends way quicker." James said, you nodding in agreement.

"Life's odd like that." You said.


"Never have I ever... kissed two different people on the same day." Sirius said with a smirk, which you returned.

You, James, Sirius and Marlene all took a sip of the firewhiskey.

"Ok I need an explanation for you," you pointed at James, "you," you pointed at Marlene, "and not you because it's pretty self explanatory but if you really want to..." you trailed, pointing a finger at Sirius who smiled.

"Alright I'll go first. So it was last year, not too long ago, and I may or may not of kissed both Sturgis Podmore and a certain someone who I'm not going to name in this room to save the embarrassment." Marlene said, making eye contact with everyone in the room to make sure that they were crystal clear that they weren't going to pesk about it.

"Ok, so I was dating Hestia at the time, and we kissed, and then I bumped into Freya Diggory under the mistletoe and you know how I have to do stuff like that." James said.

"I remember that... wasn't that the day you broke up with Hestia?" Remus questioned.

"Yeah, it actually was. I may or may not of got with Freya for a week or two afterwards..." James cleared his throat awkwardly and you avoided eye contact, trying to forget that little tang of jealousy you felt when he mentioned her. "Anyways, that was like, before we even knew what dating was."

"Oh, my turn. So I, prior to contrary belief, managed to kiss Frank Longbottom, not that anyone cares. It was just a kiss, and we never got any closer than that— that's when I realized just how cute him and Alice Fortescue would be. Anyways, the other one was... an accident. All through the corridors, people would just kiss you on your cheek when you passed a mistletoe during Christmastime. I turned my head, I didn't realize who it was, and me and Marlene kissed." You blushed.

Everyone stared at you with wide eyes.

"It was sooooo awkward after that." Marlene said, breaking the silence.

"Merlin, I'm not doing that fuckery again. We didn't speak for days." You admitted.

"Like I said, hella awkward." Marlene repeated, but you eased the tension by laughing.

"Merlin, I was so lost sexuality-wise for those couple of weeks," you laughed, "I thought I was gay without knowing it. Yeah, I'm a stupid kid, I know."

That's when everyone laughed, happy to be together. You thought you heard a distant scowl, but you probably were just imagining things.

"Ok, never have I ever... eaten something that's not meant to be eaten."

Everyone leaned foreword to take a sip then.

"I nibbled off a piece of my quill," Lily said, as she passed the drink around the circle.

"I swallowed the paper in suck and blow," Marlene admitted, laughing and passing around the drink.

"In my defense, it looked like a chocolate frog leg, but it turned out to be a stick," Remus laughed, taking a sip and passing it to you.

"My list is long, but I'll say the one with a story. I was playing muggle football— it's where you kick a ball around and try to get it into the goal, it's hella confusing— and I tripped on the ball instead of kicking it and ate a fistful of grass." You said with a laugh, taking your third sip.

"I almost chocked on my first ever Snitch," James said, you recalling the first match— everyone thought he was going to die, but it was a great game overall.

"Someone thought it'd be a good idea to dare me to eat a chess piece from the Gryffindor chessboard," Sirius smiled, taking a sip and giving you a look— you were the one that had dared him, and ever since the chessboard has had one less piece, a knight, if you recalled correctly.

A few never have I ever's later, you and Sirius only needing one more drink to win your bet, it was your turn to say it. Everyone had dispersed around the room, and you were now sitting on the windowsill, gazing out the snowy window with your hot cocoa.

"Never have I ever— Snivellus! What the fuck!" You exclaimed, cutting across yourself and jumping in your seat, resulting in you spilling your very hot cocoa all down your front (luckily you were wearing a thick-ish sweater).

"What do you mean, Snivellus?" James asked, curiosity etched on his face.

Your eyes made contact through the glass of the window, both wide and fearful. Then, all of a sudden, you yeeted yourself out the window, cozy sweater and socks and all, with your friends right behind you as you chased Snivellus in the snow.

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