Nobody Puts Gayby in a Corner

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Patrick woke up to Peter poking his cheeks. "Yo." Patrick said.
"Yo." Peter replied,
"Bring me food." Patrick said,
"Naw, you lazy bottom. Git it yourself." Patrick frowned and le sighed.
"Sigh." Pattycakes got up and git food. While he was eating there was a knocky know at the door. "WHOS THAT KNOCKING AT MY DOOR?" Pattycakes stood up and wentz to the door to open it. "Who the gosh diddly darn are you?" Patrick asked, the awkward child before him spoke.
"Daniel. Daniel Howell. I'm here to collect your hearts."
"NOOOOOOOOO. It's my heart, I can't believe a word you saayyyy." Patrick replied sadly,
"Just come come quietly, I'm just hither to take you home." Pattycakes didn't agree with this. So he slammed the door in Daniel's stoopid face. The walls almost broke down, Patrick skipped back to Peter.
"Yo Peter random question. What's your full name?"
"Peter Pet Peterson V." Peter replied,
"Coo." Daniel was going crazy and tried to break down the door. "omg."
"Italian bread?"
"No. Daniel is coming for me booty."
"OH NO." Peter pushed Patrick in the closet and he shut up. Daniel broke down the walls. Then searched the house for Pattycakes. Peter was jumping on the bed like Patrick wasn't there. Daniel opened the door like a madman.
"WHERE IS HE?" Daniel said in a terrible batman voice.
"Idk wot you're talking about." Peter said, Patrick was watching those two from the closet intensely.
"Lol nope." Daniel's eyes turned lellow and pounced on Peter punch punching. Oh no Peter, Daniel was strangling Peter!
"STOP IT DANIEL YOU HAVE NO MANNERS DO YOU?" Patrick said, but it was too late. Peter Pet Peterson was ded. Patrick cri. Daniel opened the door and pulled Pattycakes out. "PETER!!" Patrick cri over his body. "BB come back to me."
"GO POKEBALL." Daniel said, Pattycakes was captured. He go and cries in a corner of the little pokeball house. He's still crying....still...going....well. Okay. Later Ryan and Brendong were in the pokeball.

The Bibleh Of PeterickOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora