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According to my therapist, my mom was "perfectly within her rights as a parent when she failed to inform me of my upcoming meeting with God" which basically meant that it was fine that she didn't tell me I was going to die. About the fact that she told my boyfriend and not me she responded that "it is hard to watch your children grow up but even harder when you know they will get hurt. Sometimes you need someone close to the person to help you get through your pain of seeing them hurt. Your boyfriend was that person to your mother" which translated into your mom didn't want to tell you so she told everyone else instead. So yeah my life pretty much sucks. The only thing in it now is tests run by ugly doctors, therapy sessions, and a lot of time spent in my room hating everyone. In case you couldn't guess my mom took me out of school in case my condition was contagious. So for the past month or two I have had no friends, no boyfriend, no life. I might as be grounded because I can't go anywhere any way. My new catch phrase is whatever. It's all I ever say these days. No one would listen to me even if said a speech worthy of the president so why say anything worth it.

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