- 1 : hinata shoyo

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[ h. s - pregame nerves ]

"We're here." Takeda exclaimed as he pulled the bus into a parking spot. Tanaka and Nishinoya cheered, grabbing their bags and rushing off the bus. The third years followed behind closely, unsure of how they could be so full of energy at 7AM. The sleepy first years got off last, struggling to keep their eyes open. They did their best to fight off the sleep but it was too much of a struggle.

Hinata walked up beside Kageyama who was surprisingly quiet for once. It was most likely because he was practically sleep walking.

"We have a game in two hours, so eat some breakfast and meet back here when you're done." Ukai said as he exited the building with an unlit cigarette in between his lips. Upon hearing the mention of food, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka jumped for joy. They dropped their things off in a safe spot and rushed to get something to eat.

"Shoyo, is your girlfriend coming to watch you play?" Nishinoya exclaimed, munching on his rice happily. Tanaka grunted in agreement, pointing his chopsticks at Hinata who blushed like a child.

"I-I don't know. She said she was a bit busy with her family today." Hinata explained, trying his best to mask his disappointment. He understood well that family was priority over him, but he couldn't help but be a bit sad that she wouldn't be here for a big game.

Nishinoya and Tanaka gasped, jumping up from their seats, making Hinata flinch with shock. "Eh?! But this is such an important game!"

Hinata laughed softly, waving it off with his chopsticks between his calloused fingers. "It's fine. Family is priority, and I'd do the same, too."

The two second years glanced at each other to silently, share their thoughts, knowing damn well that it was not fine.


"You shouldn't have eaten so much, especially before a match. Dumbass!" Kageyama shouted as he smacked the nervous male. Hinata trembled, barely reacting to Kageyama's string of curse words thrown his way. His ears were temporarily shut off as he tried to focus on making his stomach ache go away.

"Are you okay, Hinata?" Sugawara questioned, touching Hinata's shoulder gently. The smaller male clutched his stomach, turning a bit pale in the face.

"I... don't feel well, Suga-san." Hinata choked out, hunching over to try and soothe his aching stomach. Sugawara quickly looked towards Shimizu with a panicked expression.

"Shimizu, do we have stomach medicine?" Suga questioned, a bit panicked with the situation. The match was set to begin in less than an hour and they would surely be at a loss if Hinata was out for today. Shimizu bent down, rummaging through her bag with a neutral expression on her face.

She glanced back at Suga and gave him a curt shake of the head, signaling that there was no stomach medicine. Before Suga could freak, Hinata laughed weakly.

"I-I'm fine, Suga-san. I'm just gonna go to the... bathroom." Hinata staggered away, worrying his upperclassmen that watch him with eyes full of concern.

Tsukishima snickered, amused by the shrimps actions. "Ahh, I feel much better after seeing that Shrimp so bent out of shape."

Yamaguchi turned to Tsukishima with a disapproving look that earned him a flat, "Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"EEK!" Hinata shouted as he accidentally bumped into a tall male who glared down at him. HInata quickly apologized, scurrying off only to bump into someone else.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was walking!" Hinata shouted, not looking up at the person he bumped into.

"You're forgiven, Shoyo." The familiar voice made his eyes widen. He finally looked up from the floor, meeting eyes with [y/n], his girlfriend.

She chuckled with amusement, ruffling his messy hair. His body reacted to her touch as he closed his eyes. Her hand slid down to cup his cheek, gently caressing his skin comfortingly.

"Nervous?" She asked, already knowing how he felt based on his facial expressions. He nodded, letting go of his stomach that was slowly settling.

She wrapped her arms around his body, pulling him close. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent. She could physically feel his body relaxing as he melted into her touch. He pulled her close, feeling his stomach ache subside as he embraced her.

"Hinata, are you okay? The game is gonna start soon-Oh, my bad." Sugawara said as he laughed sheepishly. "You made it, [y/n]."

They pulled away, facing Sugawara with red cheeks. [y/n] intertwined her fingers in Hinata's, squeezing his hand softly.

"Mm, and just in time." She answered back, glancing over at Hinata who bounced with joy. [y/n] was a second year female who had somehow ended up dating this rowdy first year with no romance skills whatsoever. But that's one of the things that made him so cute.

"Are you okay now, Hinata?" Suga asked, earning a cheshire grin.

"I feel amazing! I feel like I can fly so high now!" HInata exclaimed, tugging [y/n] towards the gym where they'd be playing in. She allowed him to drag her since she was used to this kind of behavior.

"Don't go flying so high that you get lost in the sky." [y/n] pointed out, eliciting a laugh within the orange haired male.

"I won't. If I did, you'd be lonely without me!" Hinata babbled, earning a flick on the forehead from a flustered [y/n].

She turned her head away from him, trying to hide her pink cheeks. "Tch, you wish, loser."

Despite her tsundere-like words, she couldn't contain the silly smile that tugged at her lips. Hinata laughed, letting go of her hand to join his teamates.

"You can sit in the stands with Yachi-san." Hinata pointed out, giving her a jubilant smile. She felt her heart skip a beat at the smile she oh so loved.

With a thumbs-up, she stepped back.

"Do your best." She glanced off to the side, building up the confidence to say this. Hinata waited, being left behind by his teammates who expected what was coming.

"I love you, Shoyo."

She watched as Hinata's eyes went wide and his cheeks flamed. He was unable to say anything back to her since Kageyama yanked him into the gym by his collar. His last sight was [y/n] giggling while she waved at the male who was being dragged away.


"Are you sick?! Why is your face so red?! Shimizu!?" Asahi shouted, clutching Hinata who was redder than a tomato and stuck in a daze. The ones who had heard simply chuckled, waving it off.

"S-She said she loved me..." Hinata mumbled before being harshly smacked by Kageyama.

"Dumbass! Don't ruin it for us! Snap out of it!"


[y/n] watched the two from the stands. She face-palmed, sighing softly while Yachi laughed awkwardly.

"What a bunch of idiots."

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