Chapter 2

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"Shea, what time should I tell Brennen to come over?" I yell from across the living room. She was in the kitchen cleaning & organizing some things. "Tell him around 8!" She yelled back. I nodded & sent the text to Brennen. I got up & sat on one of the stools shea had on her kitchen table. "How do you feel?" I asked her. "Feel about what?" She asks. "About dating Colby, have you even spoke to him today?" I asked. "Of course, He called me in the morning, I also talked to him before you came. Right now I even sent him a text about the plans for later, he was excited. I feel good about him I hope we can last & nothing comes in the way. He means alot to me." She looked up at me as she said that. "I know you guys will last shea don't worry, you're a good girl. Him, well I don't know since many are after him, I don't want Colby to hurt you." I sigh. "Hailey I love you, thank you for always wanting the best for me." She says as she walks to me & gives me a tight hug. "I love you too, you're my bestfriend. I will beat him up if he does some shit!" I say as  I throw my fist up. We both laugh loudly. We spent all afternoon cleaning her place, talking & looking for a good movie to watch. It was 7:45pm. My phone buzzed. Brennen texted me, I'm taking off babe, see you in a bit. "Brennens on the way." I told Shea, she nodded. There was a knock on the door. It couldn't be Brennen yet, Shea goes & opens the door, I see her get all jumpy & happy, I knew it was Colby. I got up & walked up to the door, I see both of them hugging eachother, Shea giving me her back, Colby facing me. He stared at me giving me a look, a flirty one. His eyes looked at me up & down as if he liked what he saw. He did that while hugging shea & rubbing her back. I looked away. "Hailey, this is my boyfriend Colby Brock, Colby this is my bestfriend Hailey, I know y'all met already but miss drunky don't remember!" She laughed so loud it kind of bothered me. It wasn't that funny. "Hi Hailey nice to meet you again." Colby said while he was grinning & holding his hand out to me. I felt myself blush. "Nice to meet you Colby." I said as I shook his hand. I glanced at Shea as she was smiling so hard looking at us. There was a knock on the door. "That must be Brennen." I said as I reached for the door. "Hey baby!" Brennen says, I reach up for a kiss & hug. I felt complete now. He comes in & says hi to Shea & Shea introduces him to Colby. I studied Colby, he was acting... different. As if something bothered him. He didn't even shake Brennens hand. What's his problem? I thought to myself. "Guys, I already ordered the pizza, we can all sit on the sofa, any drinks?" Shea asked. "I'll have a beer." Colby says, Brennen asked for one too. Shea goes to the kitchen & I follow her. I look back & Brennens trying to have a conversation but Colby doesn't seem interested. "Shea, Colby seems a bit rude to my boyfriend & it bothers me." I whisper to shea as she's opening the beer bottles. "Don't worry, he just needs to let loose you know." She smiles & walks back to the living room. I sat next to Brennen, I whisper to him if he's good. He nods. Brennen is always the nice sweet guy, he never wants problems with anyone. I don't see why Colby chooses to act rude with only Brennen. Pizza had finally been delivered, we all had small talks here & there. Eating & drinking a bit while watching some movie. "The movie is good." Brennen says. Shea & I agree, but Colby didn't say anything. Shea & I looked at eachother, she kind of shrugged her shoulders. I put my hand on Brennens lap & rubbed it softly. Colby glanced at my hand, but quickly looked back at the movie. What was that about? I couldn't stand this anymore. "Shea, Brennen & I are leaving, I wish I can stay longer but I'm still tired from.. last night." I lied. I wasn't tired. I was just uncomfortable. Brennen looked at me & nodded. He didn't question it. He knew how I was feeling. I'm surprised Shea didn't. She's blinded by love right now. "Awwww it's fine, we'll all hangout again another time." She hugged Brennen & I & walked us out. "See y'all another time." Colby says. Now he talks? I didn't even respond nor  look back. Brennen & I walk towards our cars. "He's a bit weird, don't you think?" I say while looking up at Brennen. "He is right? He had no intention of conversating with me, I don't even know him & he was giving me attitude the whole time, I didn't want to ruin the night so I didn't say anything." He says. "We'll talk about this later ok?" I said. I just wanted to lay in bed & think. He kissed my lips. His sweet, soft warm lips against mine. "You don't want me to spend the night at your place?" He asks. "Another time yea?" I say getting inside my car, he gives me a smile & nods. He closes my car door for me & starts walking to his own car. I sighed heavily. Colby, he was still on my mind. Why did he act this way. Why did he give me that naughty/flirty look, it made me want to push him up against the wall & wtf no no, Shea's my bestfriend. I won't dare do that to her..

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