"Who...was...it?" Mabel breathes, "And why...didn't...we...capture...him?" Dipper still doesn't respond. After they've caught enough breath, Dipper silently makes his way toward the attic. "Someone else could be dead already!" Mabel shouts. He only ignores her.

As Robbie makes his way home, after Dipper saw that he was the vampire, he notices his parents standing on the porch, talking. They notice him and stop talking. Robbie continues to walk toward them and their awkward stares. He now stands in front of them because they're blocking the front door. Robbie only looks down because he knows they've seen the blood on his hoodie the night those people were killed. (If you were wondering what drew Robbie in to kill the people who were outside is because Robbie is first experiencing a thirst for blood, so it's much stronger than normal so therefore his senses are heightened. He smells blood even when they're not bleeding and can hear heartbeats from more than a mile away and them being outside makes it louder since he's wandering the town)

"Robbie, dear?" his mother says with a concerned tone, "We're so sorry it came to this. We would've told you sooner if we knew this would happen." "Told me what?" Robbie asks them while looking up. They only look at each other, exchanging glances, then they turn to go inside. "Come inside, dear," his mother says. Robbie obeys.

After he's inside his father is already in the foyer and says, "We're going to show you something." Janice leads Robbie to the foyer behind their fancy glass coffin.

Greg stomps his foot on the floor in front of the wall 4 times. Before Robbie can ask, the floor opens to a shiny staircase and it makes him jump. His father goes first and Janice waits for Robbie to go ahead of her. He gulps and follows his father down the mysterious staircase.

"Son," Greg starts, "This room will make you understand that what is currently happening to you is completely normal for you. For one reason; you were born into it by blood." The whole speech lasts until they get to the bottom of the stairs.

They turn right from a wall at the end of the stairs and Robbie finally sees the room. A room filled with stained refrigerators and shiny tables. Raw meat freshly laid out from skinning. "I was working on the meat earlier. I'm gonna wrap them up and put em in the fridge upstairs later for a meal," his father points out.

"I don't get it," Robbie says, "What's all the refrigerators for?" Robbie gets a strong scent of blood. It's not just from the meat. It's a lot more. "That's what we need to show you," Greg says as he makes his way toward one. Janice continues to stay next to Robbie.

Greg opens a fridge to show piles upon piles of pints of blood. As he does, Janice places a hand on Robbie's shoulder and Robbie looks at her. "We know it was you who killed those people last night," she tells him and it strikes him with fear until she says, "Because you're a vampire like us."

Robbie just stares at her, but then Greg draws his attention again saying, "Like your mother said, we're sorry it had to come to this, to you killing innocents, but you were a late bloomer. We never knew the right time." Robbie begins to stutter. Greg puts his hand up, "Allow me." He points to four fridges and says those are the fridges filled with animal blood and he points to the other two and says they are filled with human blood. He goes on to say, "We need human blood to survive, but if you want a normal life like us, you drink animal blood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But at least once a week, you need one pint of human blood to stay healthy. If you drink to much, it could cause insanity to the point of going on a starving rampage, not being able to see right from wrong. We call it the Demon Vampire. But it takes nearly a month to fully consume you. But when you do drink the human blood, your thoughts will begin to tell you that you need more, but you don't. A way of controlling it is to remember the ones you love or the ones that love you and confide in it. Remember how you never want them to get hurt. If you get hungry around lunch or dinner time and you don't have a blood pint with you, your vampire instincts will tell you to drink whatever is around you. Even if it is a person. No matter who it is. It is best to keep a pint with you just in case you miss a time. Kind of like medication. But, son, if you are hungry, please, drink this animal blood and stay sane."

Robbie only stands there dumbfounded. Janice pats him on the back and says, "It's a lot to take in, we know. But it is important to remember if you don't want to kill innocent people." Greg grabs a pint of animal blood and holds it out to Robbie. Robbie still doesn't move, so Greg walks over to him, takes his hand, and places the pint in his hand. Robbie grasps it and looks at it. He feels like he's starving. He fiddles with it trying to find where to open it and his father helps him. Robbie, still with a shocked face, holds the pint of blood in position to drink, but hesitates. He thinks about how strange this life of his would become because of this curse. And since Dipper's seen the worst side of it... how much more heartbreak can he take? He knows he needs the blood, but he also knows it's the beginning of eternal pain.

Robbie lets a tear fall as he begins to drink the blood from the pint.

The next morning, at breakfast, Robbie's mother asks about Dipper. She asks, "So why is the sweet Dipper boy coming to see you so often? Have you finally got a best friend?" Robbie thinks about how he should respond. Should he tell them or not? Which is the best alternative? Would Dipper get in the way of being a vampire to them? He begins to think that all his life knowing his parents, he knows they aren't cruel people. Even if they are vampires, he thinks they'll accept.

"Mom. Dad," Robbie says, "Dipper is my boyfriend."

The table is quiet.

"Robbie, dear?" his mom finally says, "We accept any relationship as long as you treat each other well." "But the fact of the matter is," his father chimes in, "since he's a human, it's dangerous. To both of you. If he finds out, he could cause a panic, or you could accidentally kill him. I'm only warning you, son. Be careful." "Yeah, Dad," Robbie responds. "I hope everything works out fine," Janice says to Robbie. "Me too," Robbie says.

After breakfast, Robbie's father takes him outside to the backyard. He tells him to stand in front of him and Robbie does as he is told. In the next few seconds, something erupted from behind Greg scaring Robbie to the ground. They're wings. Bat wings. Although they look like giant dragon wings since they're big.

"You can fly?!" Robbie asks, amazed. "You can, too," Greg tells him as he holds out his hand. Robbie takes it and his father helps him up. "But I can't...make them appear," Robbie says. "Let me help you," Greg offers as he goes behind Robbie, pulls out a knife, and surgically slices Robbie's back through his hoodie on both sides, revealing the unspread wings under all the layers of his skin. Robbie screams in agony. Greg stops and tells Robbie he has to spread his wings himself. Robbie looks at his father and shouts, "What..in the ACTUAL HECK, DAD?!" Greg wraps his arm around his son and flaps his own wings heading toward the clouds. Now Robbie is screaming in fear.

Greg stops when they're above the clouds and says, "Spread your wings" then releases his grip from Robbie, allowing him to fall from the sky. Robbie screams, "DAAAAAAD!!! OH MY GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" (Imagine him screaming like a girl 😂)

Greg follows after him and matches his falling speed. He yells repeatedly, "Spread your wings!" Just like that, the instinct hit him. His nervous system finds new extremities that he can feel and his muscular system activates and his wings under his skin begins to move. Robbie yells in pain as the wings are forced to spread one after the other.

Robbie goes lightheaded while falling. Greg takes his sons hand and tells him to follow his wing rhythm and stops them from falling. Robbie watches his father move his wings like a bird and tries to copy it. Once Greg thinks he has it under control, he lets go of Robbie's hand allowing him to fall once more. His father shouts from above him, "You've got this, son!" Right before Robbie hits the ground he's become a natural at flying. He tries tricks, tests his speed, and has fun while doing so. And one of Robbie's rare smiles appears.

When Robbie finally lands, his father congratulates him with a pat on his shoulder. Robbie laughs but shortly after he says, "Thank you for everything, but I think I need to go see Dipper." They exchange glances and his father nods. As Robbie was about to fly away, Greg stops him and says, "We can't fly during the day. Eyes all over the place." "Right," Robbie says. And with that Robbie begins to walk.

"Dipper please talk to me," Mabel pleads as Dipper rolls over in his bed, "You didn't go see Robbie yesterday because of the mission and now you're just going to ditch him? I don't understand. Who is the vampire that is making you act like this? You've always told me everything." Dipper stays quiet. "Fine," Mabel says, finally giving up, "Don't tell me." She gets up and walks out of the attic slamming the door.

Just as Dipper decides that it's a good time to cry, he hears a knock on the window. He looks up to find a floating Robbie peering at Dipper through the window.

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now