Coffee Biatch | Chapter 1

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"Erin, get your sleepy ass up, or else your gonna be late!"

Ugh. Why is there yelling? It's not like there's anything happen— HOLY CRAP! It's the first day of school! And not just any school year.. Freshman year. This is my only chance to start over. You see, I'm what they call a loner. I don't really have any friends, and never had been interested in it.. until this summer came around. I saw all my classmates on instagram hanging out with there friends, and having so much fun. I want that. So, I made an oath to myself. I will try my hardest to make friends this year.. I need to. I don't want to keep watching my life fly by with me.

"ERIN! GET UP RIGHT NOW OR YOUR GROUNDED!" Said a deep voice, followed by banging on my bedroom door.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting up." I said, yawning, pulling my comforter off of me, as I felt my once warm body go cold. I should probably introduce myself.. Hello! I'm Erin Payton Walts. If you couldn't tell already.. I live with a brother.. or seven, to be exact. When I was born, they thought I was going to be a boy.. and then I came out! My father was appalled. You see, he only wanted sons.. ten to be exact. He left not too long after I was born, blaming it entirely on me for "ruining this family." My mother didn't care for me much either, resulting in her committing suicide due to deep depression from losing her husband. So yeah, my father was basically right, I did screw up this family. Now, onto my brothers.. the oldest of the lot is Joshua, but I call him Josh. He is scary as shit! He is the one of the only people I don't fuck with. Then there is Zach, he is pretty cool. Next there's Luc-ass, or Lucas as some say. That son of a bitch.. he and I have rough love and hate relationship. There is also Connor, who is nice, I guess. Next in line is Jared, who still goes to my school. Josh, Zach, Connor, and bitch boy (Lucas) all graduated. Lastly, the twins Jack and Tanner, who also go to my school. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THEM— THEY FIND ANYWAY TO EMBARRASS THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND I CANNOT—


"OKAY OKAY I'M GOING!" I yell back, bolting up towards my bathroom, which is connected to my room. Being the only female, and having periods, they decided I should take this room. They say it's for my privacy, but I'm pretty sure it's just because they don't want to seem tampons and pads in their trash cans. I quickly brush my hair and teeth. I took a shower last night, so I don't have to this morning. I went to my closet, and picked out a crop-top that said "biatch." I paired it with some black leggings and white converse. I know I'm probably gonna get dress coded, but it's the first day so I can just play dumb at school. Then I remember— the boys. Ugh, they'll never let me wear this! Looking around, I quickly decided to just wear a grey hoodie over it, which I will take off at school. I quickly applied foundation and mascara, as that's all I had time for. I then booked it down the stairs, praying to god that I would have enough time to make coffee.

When I got down stairs, I saw Connor siting at the kitchen island, playing on his phone. He looking up at me, said morning, and went back to his games. I quickly set to making coffee, glancing over at the oven clock every now and again for the time. Ugh, this machine is taking forever.. I decided to go sit at the island while I waited. I watched at all my brothers came into the room, greeting each other and me with the same monotonous, 'morning'. Suddenly, out of no where, Zach pipes in. "Erin, it's early fall. Why are you wearing a hoodie?"

Fear raced through my body.. what do I do?! Coming up with the quickest excuse I could think of, I calmly forced out, " I don't know, I just liked it. You don't?"

"Oh, then you wouldn't mind showing us what your wearing under it then?" Said Lucas, grinning evilly.

Fuck. I said the only thing that I could think of; though I think it made it worst. "It's just a bra and a shirt.. what, you wanna see me naked? Ew." I said, a little smirk crossing my face, satisfied with my sarcastic comeback.

"Erin. Take. Off. The. Hoodie." Lucas snarled at me. I was about to make a comeback, when suddenly the coffee maker beeped, signaling it was done. Me being an absolute mouse compared to my brothers, I hoped off the bar stool and snuck my way through the crowd, grasping my coffee cup, gulping it down. Suddenly, an urge overcame me. Do the thing. And I did.

Tearing off my hoodie, I yelled, "Coffee Biatches!" As I then full on sprinted out the door, and to the street. Luckily, the middle school is just a block away from the high school, so I easily know how to walk there. Running down the street, adrenaline filled my body. Holy shit, I'm actually running away from them.. why is this so much fun? Turning around for a split second, I saw a car back out of my drive way, full of yelling boys. Shit, I gotta lose them! I turned down an alley, and hid behind a trash can. I listened as a car passed me; but not any car. And car full of boys screaming many different things..


I giggled slightly. Haha, oh god I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

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