Peter was single because he focused more on his studies and sports. Girls liked him and he liked girls, but he was too busy and not in the mood. But he knew lots about love, their older brother helped Peter when he liked a girl, but she rejected him when he was thirteen, he's seventeen now. And now, Peter was helping Guy.

"And if she says no?"

"Then screw her. There's more girls out there."

Guy nodded, his innocent face like a baby and his brother laughed, shoving his brother's shoulder before jumping back on his bed and Guy nodded. "I'll go tell her."

"Yes, you will. You got this, Baby Bro!" Peter cheered, not taking his eyes off the TV. In his room alone now, Guy stood by his window and held the phone to ear, waiting for someone on the other line to pick up. Not having enough courage as he was too scared she would reject him, or not even remember who he was, he hung up the phone quickly and shook his arms as he grew nervous.

Swallowing hard, he grabbed his roller skates again, then strapped all of his gear on and went on a skate around the neighborhood to get his mind off things. As he skated around, he didn't think much and just hoped the feelings would disappear, but the feelings had led the way and he found himself in front of the girl's house. Grace's house was big and grand, he was happy to see no car there, of her boyfriend's, who recently got a license.

Going up the steps with difficulty, Guy knocked on the door and waiting, scratching his forearm as he grew more nervous as the seconds counted down. It was a Saturday afternoon, he didn't know if anyone would be home, there was a car missing from the driveway. The door opened and Grace stepped out. She was looking beautiful, wearing boyfriend jeans with a loose long sleeve shirt, her hair up in a messy ponytail.

"Guy, hey," She spoke, her brows furrowed as she was a little confused to see him there and wearing roller skate and the gear too. "What're you doing here?" Grace asked.

"Oh, I um, was strolling around..." He spoke, pointing to the houses around. "...I saw this bird chasing a squirrel earlier." He blurted. He hadn't even seen a bird chasing a squirrel, it was just something random he said.

"Strolling around? A bird and a squirrel?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "Guy, why are you really here because I didn't think you knew where I lived."

"Well, Grace, I have something to tell you." He scratched his arm some more. She watched him scratch his arm and then looked back at him. The helmet on his head squished his blond curly hair flatly against his hot forehead.

"Then say it. I don't have all day. I'm doing chores, Guy."

"I um, well, I, gosh, who knew this was hard to say." He inhaled deeply. "I've liked you for forever now and I didn't say anything because I know you don't notice me. And I know you like Josh because he's so cool and dumb, he has brown hair, a nice build, he can drive. Heck, he isn't me and why would you notice a guy like me, I'm not your type, but I like you, Grace, I really do and I hate Josh, I just hate that guy."

She giggled, covering her mouth for a moment as she looked at him blabber about things. Grace liked Guy, and she did notice him and she didn't mind that he was different. It reminded her that there were other boys out there, who aren't her type, but maybe they could be. Grace didn't really like Guy until she was with Josh and that he pushed Guy away constantly. She always felt bad and she liked when she spoke to him or when he made a fool of himself in front of her. Sometimes, she felt like he didn't notice her, but how could he not, everyone knew her.

"Guy," She laughed. "I like you too."

"I know you hate me. It's very likely because Josh is, wait-." He cut himself off, she laughed a little more. "You like me too?" He asked her.

She nodded and stepped out of her house, shutting the door. She placed a soft kiss to his cheek. "You may not be a guy who's my type, but it can't hurt to try, right?" She shrugged.

"I guess not." He gulped. "Wait, you actually like me." He spoke again, confused.

"Yes." She nodded. "I only realized it a few months ago when I began dating Josh. I realized that you were different, you are nice and adorable, you're smart and athletic, but I thought you didn't like me because you didn't notice me or because I was too stuck up."

"No, I thought you didn't notice me." He laughed nervously.

"But I do, Guy Germaine. I know who you are."

"Wait, you're still dating Josh."

"Not tomorrow I won't, I was hoping maybe you'd ask me to be your girlfriend today."

"Sure." He nods. "Yeah, sure. Yes, I'd like that." He nodded.

"Great." She held his hand for a few moments. "Well, I have to get back to my chores. I'll see you tomorrow or Monday?" He nodded as her hand slid away from his and he turned, stepping down the steps in his gear "Bye, Guy."

"Bye." He choked, deep inside he smiled widely and as he skated down the sidewalk, he jumped up and down and screeched. He was a happy boy and he didn't get rejected.

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