Chapter 7|| Feelings..?

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It was night now, the circus had closed up. You stepped out of your room to explore the circus. The circus members were still out and fixing things up, Caroline waved at you, Clinten as well. Funny, he wasn't available at the meet & greet but Caroline showed you him earlier today. Yukc0 was nowhere to be seen, And G0Z was in his office doing business stuff.

SN00TZ and P00FYZ were in the bakery and fodloca was in her shop. You were happy with this new family. You went to the beautiful forest that was there and explored the amazing creatures and sights. There were plants everywhere and a cherry blossom tree. You noticed Zoozy was there, your eyes once again locked.

But this time you felt something..It was...butterflies? you felt your cheeks get warm as he walked over to you. You noticed that he did the same as well. "H-hi there" He said to you. "Wanna, like..uh..I don't know" He offered, you brushed your hair out of your face and laughed nervously "Yes of course!" your face was flustered. So was his. He walked you over to the bridge that was sitting above water. You both sat down on it, Both with your face flustered. "So.." you both said. "Oops haha, not again" he said nervously. You laughed back, which made him smile.

"So...." You said, "What do you wanna talk about?" You asked. "I'm not sure.." He looked like he wants to tell you something.. No, not yet zoozy. You can't do this yet. But I want too...No! They'll think you're crazy. You looked confused "Do you want to tell me something?" You tilted your head. "Well yes uh.." just do it! "I....I....." He looked down "Nevermind" You looked confused but saw it coming. "That's fine" Zoozy stood up, "Well i'm gonna get going..Wanna walk to our rooms?" You stood up as well, "Of course" You both made your way to your rooms

Hello! are you enjoying it so far? I feel like this needs romance NOW but I feel like it would be coming too soon..should I make the confession now or later on in the story? Tell me what you guys think

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