2. Here I Am (Part II)

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That was a hard session, but I did it. Nothing went wrong and I don't think I annoyed anyone. It's just playing on my mind what Phil said, about how I'm not stepping on toes etc. Has there been talk about me joining the squad? Am I not good enough to be here? Does some people not want me here?

"Hey champ. You did great. I've not introduced myself, to you. I mean I know that you know who I am, but... No well I don't think that I'm famous or..... Emm I Emm.. Sorry. I'm Lucy"

All I could do was smile at her as we walked off the ground. How could she be nervous speaking to me, I mean she's Lucy Bronze. Shouldn't I be the one stumbling over my words.

"Sorry..... Arielle right. It's nice to have you on the squad. I don't mean nice. I.. Emm i mean you are a great player and... I think you will be great for our team" she continued

Yeah she is definitely nervous, but why. I'm just a kid who caught a break to be honest. I've not even been playing long. Shit I better talk back to her.

"Yeah that's me... Well Ari. I'm not too keen on the whole Arielle thing. It's a bit formal for a hard ass footballer" Did I actually just say that "Ahh shit... No.... Ohh. I have word vomit" I laugh it off awkwardly

Lucy is laughing at me "Mean girls fan huh! I'm glad I'm not the only nervous one here"

"Why would you be nervous to speak to me?"

"I don't know"

That was all Lucy got out before Jordan landed straight on her back, nearly knocking her over.

"Carry me to the dressing room Luce, I'm too tired to walk" giggled Jordan from her position on Lucy's back

"We all did the same session, get off me and walk you heavy lump." Lucy joked

Jordan hopped off of Lucy's back "What you'll speaking. So Luce what do you think of my girl? She really has talent doesn't she?" She goes on while wrapping an arm around my waist.

Typical Jordan, any outsider would think we were together.

"Oh so she is yours huh?" Lucy replies to Jordan, while sending her a cheeky look "I was just telling her, how well she did today, before you rudely interrupted our conversation"

"I didnt mean it like that and you know it. She did great and I knew you would. You are so awesome Ari" Jordan went on after shifting her attention back to me "Some of us are going to be hanging out in Lucy and Keiras room when we get back. It's the biggest, luce always manages to pull that room, don't you? I think it's a fix. You should come along and hang out, shouldn't she Luce?"

I turned to Lucy who looked a bit uneasy "Yeah you should come along, I mean that's if you want to. Not much point in sitting alone in your room. Well.. Em maybe you like that... but eh.. Come"

Jordan butt's in "What Lucy means is, it would be a good bonding session with the team members that you don't really know"

We make our way into the changing room "Yeah, it sounds good. I may come along, if I feel up to it"

The whole team is in here now, laughing and joking. I picked up my holdall from the floor where I left it earlier and just sort of stood there trying to figure out what to do. That's when Jordan cleed me over to the space beside her. "Ari, this is your spot here. You will get the hang of the place soon. Are you doing ok? You look a bit overwhelmed"

I drop my bag on the bench and begin to remove my boots "Yeah Jor, I'm good. Maybe just a bit overly thinky"

"What's on your mind?" Jordan asked

"Phil said something about stepping on toes etc and I can't get that out of my mind. Do you think I deserve to be here? Am I causing drama by being here?" I tried to explain

"Hey" Jordan replied while getting up and taking me in her arms "You deserve to be here as much as any other person in this room. You train hard, put in 100% constantly. You being called up was because you are a great player. You wouldn't be here if you didn't deserve it, trust me" she wispered into my ear. Most of the team wouldn't have heard the words she spoke, but the reactions were up there.

"Oi, love birds, get a room"

"I knew they were together"

"Ohh Ari, I love you"

This made jordan mad and before she thought about it, she went off. "Shut your faces. Me and Ari are friends. If you got a problem with her, say it to me. She has worked hard for this place and she doesn't need any negativity from her team mates."

The whole room went quiet.

"OK if we are done, I'm heading for the showers" Steph moaned as she walked off

"Shower time Dookie. Now rule one, don't drop the soap" laughed Beth

Jordan and Leah laughing along with her.

"Will you guys ever let it go."



"OK I'm going for a shower. Where am I going?" I have to ask

Luckly Jordan being my bestest didn't ride out the joke and guided me along "Come on then, I will guide you. Luce you coming"

It was then clear to me that Lucy hadn't began to get undressed like the rest of us and headed off to the shower. Instead sitting there with her boots undone. "Na, I'm going to skip it and shower back at camp. I can't" she replied to Jordan, while trading with her, a worrying look, that I didn't quite understand.

Jordan leant in and whispered something to Lucy and whatever it was Lucy shook her head in agreement. Jordan then guided me to the showers. I didn't quite understand what was up with Lucy, but I should really worry. Jordan knows what it is and Jordan is a great friend to me, so I know Lucy is in great hands

The showers here are different from the ones at The Emirates, they are split up into small bricked sections, each with six shower heads. Jordan leads us straight into one, up near the back. She clearly knew where she was going as she never checked for people before walking in. We joined Leah and Keira in this peticullar section. It's like everyone has their place in here.

Keira gives us a strange look "No Lucy?" Jordan answers while looking straight at kiera "No, she wasn't up for one" Theres that look again, this time from Leah. I feel like there is something that I don't know about Lucy, that clearly this group knows.

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