Chapter 3

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Uuuuuh school is so lame. Why can't we just go home. Sarah heard someone grumbling in their head. She was on her way to her last class before lunch, 5th period. It was a class that all she does is go on her lab top and make up for high school credits. She walked in and found a seat and went straight to her work. She realized it was ok for her to listen to music in that class. So she pulled out her head phones and played her music, drowning out the sounds of everyone's thoughts.

Almost half an hour past and Sarah saw that she had two minutes before the bell. She turned of the music and put the head phones back in her bag, and closed out of her computer. As soon as the bell rang she shot out of her chair and into the hall. Walking fast she got to her locker despite all the people in the way, and got her lunch bag. Then walking as fast as she could without running, to the cafeteria to find her brother and his friends. She spotted her brother right away and went to him.

"Hey Ryan can I sit by you today" Sarah said kinda looking sad.
"Yeah sure, did something happen"Ryan said looking a little concerned.
Sarah sat down next to Ryan at the picnic table, they were in the school court yard. Using her telepathy she told her brother I'm ok high school is both fun and hard but I got this. He said yup you got this I know you can do this school thing with no problem. Do you like your classes?
"Yes I love my classes!" Sarah said with a big smile.

"Hey guys how's it goin" Benjy said as he sat across from Ryan.
"Hey you don't mind my sister sitting with us right?"asked Ryan.
"I got no problem with it, she's like a sis to me, speaking of how's it goin Sarah?" Benjy replied with his usual friendly smile. She is so cool skipping a grade and all.
"I'm doin good schools been fun!" She said happily hearing what Benjy just said in his head about her.
"Hiiiiiii! I'm here"Ana said walking over to the table. Why is this brat her again. How do I get rid of her.
"Hi Ana" Ryan said while shoving food in his mouth.
Ana turned to Benjy.
"What are you doing in my set?" She said slightly showing her anger.
"I didn't see your name on it" Benjy said with a smirk.
"Move over" Ana practically ground.
"Make me" Benjy said while eating.
"I can move to the other side so you can sit next to Ryan" Sarah said shyly but inside she was wondering why her bro liked this girl.
"Yes please do" Ana said with an attempted kind smile finally the brats doing something useful.
Sarah got up and sat next to Benjy, who smiled and then continued eating. Sarah didn't have a problem sitting by Benjy. She quickly finish eating and left the table silently.
After she had thrown her garbage away she turned and Bam ran into a senior that was trying to catch a football. She fell back and hit her head on the trash can. Then she curled up into a ball rubbing her head. The senior got up and noticed what happened and crouched down to see if Sarah was okay. His deep blue eyes looked concerned at her. Sarah felt like her head was going to explode she lost control and everyone's thoughts were piling in her head. He decided to pick her up and take her to the nurse. He was not the biggest guy on the football team but he had very detailed muscles. As Sarah got her head under control so she would just hear what she wants to hear she opened her eyes. A guy with dirty blonde hair with a hint of red hair. His deep blue eyes she saw right before hitting her head. And a muscular figure was looking at her with a concerned face.
"Are you ok?"he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine," she said sitting up on the bed.
"Thanks for bringing me to the nurses office" she said with a slightly pained smile.
"No problem sorry I ran into you" he said apologizing. He rubbed his neck slightly blushing and hoping she wouldn't notice the blushing.
"Oh right my name is Johnathan" he said with a kind smile, holding out his hand for a hand shake.
"Hi Johnathan, I'm Sarah" she said smiling and Shook his hand.
"Wait you mean Sarah the girl that dropped then skipped a grade in one year?" He asked curiously
"Yup that's me the slack then brainiac" she said shyly but smiling.
"Wow It's like impossible for me to skip a grade I'm barely making it as a senior" he said then seemed to regret saying it.
"Nothing is impossible just difficult it's all about how you think of it"Sarah said smiling as she got of the bed. Wow this girl
She started out the door as he stood up Sarah realize he was about a foot taller than her. He is 6ft and she is 5' 6".
"It was nice meeting you thanks again bye" Sarah said and headed to her locker. She moved to quick for him to say anything but she opened her mind to hear him. It was nice meeting you too no problem thank you bye. His thought made Sarah happy she got to her locker and got the books for her next class as the bell rang she headed to class.

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