Chapter 2

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The boy, Patton, set three big ice creams on the table. "There you go, kiddos!" He said, with a wide smile. "Hope you enjoy! I'll use Joan's' salary to pay!"

"Oh no, Pat, you wouldn't!" They cried from the kitchen. Patton looked on the verge of cackling loudly.

Roman grinned at Thomas, moving up along the bench so Patton could sit down. "So, dad, this is Thomas! I think I told you that I managed to persuade him to visit the Theatre Club next Monday!"

"I thought it was on during period 7 and 8, then two hours after school..." Patton frowned. "Why aren't we there now?"

Roman sighed, bringing a spoonful of the giant ice cream to his mouth. "It starts on Monday, Patton. Today's a Friday, so we got the weekend to wait."

Thomas put a scoop of ice-cream in his mouth. "So... Could you guys tell me about this drama club?"

"Well!" Romans' eyes lit up. "Basically, it's after school everyday, along with last lessons, and someday, closer to performance day, we have Saturday rehearsals. The dramaturgs and script people start from the very beginning of the time, because they have to come up with several scripts in small groups and then narrow all the plays down to five or four only-"

Patton interrupted. "Then that's when everyone else comes in! After a while of actors rehearsing a few scenes from each and costume designers working on ideas, we pick the most preferred show and work on that for the rest of the year-!"

"And the whole school watch the show, and it's all everyone talks about for weeks, because it's basically everyone's' highlight to the end of the year! If you are one of the star actors, you literally become some of the most popular kids in school!" Roman finished.

Thomas thought for a moment, than said with understanding, "So that's why you are so popular! Do you get loads of leads?"

"Always, with my twin, Remus, being the co-star." Roman looked very proud of himself, Patton watching on like an adoring father.

"So, Monday we're all going there, right?" The dad-figure asked. Roman nodded enthustistcly and glanced at Thomas who shrugged.

"Can't do any harm, right?"


OHMIGOD! I'm sorry for dying and not posting a lot.... I just have been practising really hard for my character in my local play, working on his accent and song. I should post the next chapter for 'Fantasizing a war' straight after this!

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