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My heart beats fast
Like a hummingbirds' wings.
And butterflies,
They threaten to come out
But my fear and panic
They stop me.

You walk down the hall
You have a perfect poise
Your smile brightens my day
You will be my downfall.

Why do you make me feel
Feel like I'm dizzy,
Is that so crazy?
My breath stops.

You look at me
And wave.
Am I friend? Or not?
My thoughts are saved.
You don't know what you do to me.

I smile back and look away
Maybe you know?
Am I paranoid?
To want to be with you.

You walk on,
But my heart doesn't stop beating.
I clutch my hand
And I clutch my heart.
I'm scared.

Help, I'm not used to rejection
Is that where my fear come from?
Your image
It's a projection
To what I make of you.

I look back,
The echo walks away
Your perfume lingers
It's like oxygen to my brain.

It's fine,
I'm content.
Maybe it's a phase...
My crush just walked away.

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