Chapter 2: 1999

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December 30th, 1999, 10:00 PM

"Let yourself free," an eerie voice repeated into his head. Never stopping, just repeating the same thing over and over again like a broken record, trapped for eternity in this mind of his.

"I've been here for years, never to be freed. Let me go I'm fine!" A sudden change of tone arose from the man, going crazy, driven to madness in this little white room, only to see people he didn't want to see. "LET ME GO, I'M FINE!" He started shaking viciously looking scared and angry. A man came walking into the room dressed in a lab coat and boots, pulling out a chair placing it in front of a man driven to insanity. "Please," A whimpering noise came out from the man, begging over and over to be let go.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," The man in the white lab coat said. "Anyways what's your name?"

"My name? They kept me trapped here for so long I can't remember my freaking name!"

"Well just so you know, my name is Harvey, I am the observer for this lab."

"I don't care," the man spit back at Harvey.

"How has your experience been like here sir?"

"How has it- I've been trapped in here for 3 years! How do you think it's been?!"

Harvey sighed writing down into his notebook, the man in the chair was getting impatient. "Just hurry up with this," He yelled jumping at the man, chains held him back. He grunted and puffed, "Just watch... You'll regret this, I will bring this place to RUINS!"

"How," Harvey snapped his head up to him, "How are you gonna do that."

The man thought for a bit, he was good at thinking, being trapped in a room all your life does that to you. "You know what? I don't know quite yet." Harvey chuckled, he thought it was quite amusing, "Well, I'll leave you to that!"

Anger was all that could run through the man, his face turning to fire, his eyes like a python. "LET ME FREE! TELL ME MY NAME, SAY MY NAME!"

Harvey looked at him, confused, not feeling fear at all, "I can't do that..."

"Why not!?"

"IT's classified."

"That's total crap!"
"It's for your own safety."

"What about my family?"
This time Harvey didn't answer. He'd given up on trying at this point, this conversation was over for him, but he did have one more question, "What about me?" Harvey sighed and walked out of the room, clearly annoyed by the man. "Where do you think you're going," he screamed to no avail, just more silence in the room. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE, PLEASE," It was over. He just sat there, the voices kept repeating things in his head, Give up, Give up, they kept saying. The man looked at the chain, it was long enough to fit around his skinny neck.

Everything about him was skinny, they never fed him anything, not even a crumb. "Come on Henry give up!" Henry, the voices finally said it, his name, Henry, Henry, Henry, he repeated to himself. Nothing felt real, he didn't feel real, the voices didn't feel real. It all swirled around his mind, was his mind even controlled by him anymore, or was he so insane that another force took it? "You'll die here anyways Henry, so why not end it all now," these thoughts were more tempting than the last.

The chain was shining in the view of Henry, it wanted him. Everything would be better if it all came to an end, happiness would come back. Henry grabbed on to the cold and rusty steel of the chain, soon wrapping it tightly around his long neck. "That's it, Henry, now end it," Henry smiled at the advice of the voice. He pulled it tighter, and tighter until he couldn't take one breath. A tear flew done his cheek, the light was beautiful, the best thing he'd ever seen. One breath later was his last, it was over, happiness was restored...

December 31st, 1999, 12:30 AM

The door to Henry's room opened, his daily check-up from the medic was here. The medic walked into the room, met with a horrific sight of Henry's body, motionless on the floor. "Oh- Jesus Christ," He said covering his mouth in shock. The medic called the other staff into the room, every single one of them rushed through the hall to the room. When they all got there, they were even shocked at the sight of a dead man on the floor. The medic turned around and started speaking, "Terry this is your fault! You need to take better care of these guys!"

Terry was the boss of the organization, he controlled everyone and everything. "Listen here Doc, I thought taking care of them was YOUR job," Terry snapped back.

"Well your the one running this place, all you do is put these people through pain!"

"Fix them then!" The medic stared blankly at Terry, "Fix them? FIX THEM?! No, YOU fix them, because I QUIT!" He walked towards the exit after saying that.

A quick bang went off in the room, the medic fell to the ground causing a thump. "In your dreams doc," Terry said lowering a gun he pulled out from his jean pocket. Everyone looked at the medic, blood leaking onto the floor into the room, a disturbing sight. "T-Terry why would you," one of the clients stuttered out. "Shut it! He got what he deserved." The client stepped back trying not to anger him anymore and trying not to get himself killed.

"Anyone else wanna quit," Terry said waving his gun around. Everyone shook their heads, still in shock from Henry's suicide, and Docs homicide. "I'm sure none of you want to turn out like this poor sack of sack a crap!" Terry threw his gun to the ground and walked out, "And Roger, clean this mess up." A client dropped to his knees at the medics cold dead body, staring at it like a moth stares at a light. Harvey ran into the room hearing the bang, "Woah is everyone oka- oh god..." Harvey just like everyone else was in shock of the bodies on this ground. "Harvey he killed him, Terry killed him," The client on his knees whispered.

"Why did he do it?"
"He tried to quit, he tried to become free of the place. Of him." Everything went silent, everyone and everything, was a slave under control of the so-called him...

January 1st, 2000

A Day After The Tragedy of 1999

The hallway was quiet, it's never this way. There was usually loud banging from the disturbed in each room, people yelling, or people screaming "TO BE FREED." Everyone had been moved out of their rooms, everyone except for one, the quiet one named Tom. Tom never spoke to complain, never even tried to hurt or attack anyone, all the poor guy did was sit in a ball in the corner. Today was his first yearly check-up. They had never seen his face, they said it was wrapped up so they never bothered to remove it from the face. Today was the day though, Tom would be revealed.

Harvey walked into the room, Tom was in the same position, sitting in a ball in the same corner. Harvey walked up to him, "Hey. Tom, isn't it? Well, I'm here for your yearly inspection." Tom didn't look up or even make sound, didn't seem like he was gonna budge. Harvey tapped on his shoulder, "Hey do you hear me, Tom?" Then a puffing sound came from Tom,

He was trying to communicate but couldn't seem to. "Tom can you maybe turn around for me?" All he gave was a slow headshake. Harvey grabbed his shoulder and turned him, "Oh my god..."

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