chapter 5

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The next day I woke up mom had already left for work I know her well enough to not get up early she would have tried to continue the conversation we had last night and I'm trying to forget it then it hit me. My parents are getting a divorce I manage to say. They will forever live apart and am sure will find a hot co-worker to replace dad and she will be all over me treating like a baby for the rest of my life and dad he will be calling not showing up when I need him and mom is going to get the blame. Lilli claims down they were just not thinking straight they only need space I manage to say as I hop out of bed in my blue pajamas I couldn't remember how I found or got in. I head for the shower as I took up my cell to place it on the charge. I wish I had one of those teenage dream life then I would know how to react to this mom dad split the give me a million dollars for the embarrassment I would be a happy girl but dream are hard to come true.  I took of the pajamas and touts it in the farthest part of the room that I can I took a shower and I could feel the water run through my hair with every drop relaxing me. Wow, this feels so amazing that it got me thinking about moving here fresh start maybe it will be for the best but I need to trust that I can make it that way. I tried to get my mind off dad and mom but all that comes to my mind is that guy and the kiss in my dream maybe am overthinking it or maybe all the love movies I watch from back home have finally taken their toll. Maybe am going crazy because I moved to a new place. But what if am not then why would i. I got cut off from my thought hearing my phone ringing it took the fastest shower I could to get my phone. It rang for about five-time then I saw it was Natalie I gave her a callback but to my surprise, her brother answer " hello" trying my best to get the dream out of my head remembering that we argued at lunch yesterday didn't help either so i. I to remain brave  " we will be picking you up text her your address," he said as he hung up the call he doesn't even know how to ask for something in the right way and I can tell that am already pissed off. I blow the water out of my hair and straighten my hair and I went into my closet and took out the best dress I could find it had on yellow and blue roses on the red dress 👗 purls on the traps on the strength that should go around my neck I put on the Pail pink lipstick at red shoes. I might not have my friends back home but I was still Dawn cool. It took me about to hours to get ready by the time I texted Natalie the dress they show have reached by now I head downstairs I took a glass of milk and drank it and it the sand mom made and by the time I should leave all the lips stick was gone I decided to go back upstairs and brush my teeth and apply some more lips. It took me about 2 minutes to finish it if I didn't brush my teeth before I don't know what I would have done. I heard a car stopped and park right outside my door. I took up my phone and my bag and head down the stairs. After reaching outside I saw a blonde guy with pink lips staring in my direction then I notice it was her buy Austin trust me he is good-looking I could tell you that where it Natalie I said as she slowly slides the window down hop in. She said from the back seat. Why would she be in the back seat? I found it rather confusing but it could be that she wants to make me feel comfortable and not too uneasy. Austin made a few stops to pick up some of his friends and with all this driving and the long time it took me to get ready I thought we were going to be late but we were not. I reach early for class may be too early am the first one there, I hope this doesn't turn into a habit I got a lot of them being working on These days. I decided it would be nice to sit in a seat at the front but base on everything from yesterday tells me everyone has a special seat so I sat at the sat that grey sat not the one that causes the argument but the one beside me the one that ends it the. I walked towards my new chair for the day hugging my books towards me then I glance at the seat to check to see if it's clean. As I was about to set I heart a voice call out "Leila you cause a smoke but you are afraid of the fire the voice shouts" I know exactly who it is no one couldn't be so cocky and rude for nothing. But I don't want to be entertaining his conversation so I just sit and open. My book and started to read a book o bought online it was a rather interesting guy next door and a hot boyfriend who will she choose. Cricket I hear the girl said in the but and that all is can remember from her point of view the guy is really handsome and tall she describe him so perfectly. I was so endorsed in the book I almost forgot that he was still here. It about one hour before class is going to start he has enough time to fuck with me and I know he will I slowly tilt the book from my face to check that it's him. He quickly grabs my book from me I got up to leave and it was something he didn't expect it though I would fight for my book if I do I knew he would never give it back. He grabs my rest as I try to pass him his gaze locked on mine my book in his left hand he soon places on a desk IN front since he is standing between my desk and the chair IN front. He pulls me close to him. But I pull away I walked towards the door but he pulled me back and close the door " Leila"  he said almost letting me flips my danger radar " learn my name before calling me" I said as I turn around to face him " its either lie la miss grey or baby you choose"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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