Chapter: 2

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I walk into the kitchen. "Jason!" I catch him before passing out. "Have you eaten today bud?" I ask quietly. "No." I walk him into the living room. I grab him something to eat. "Here." He eats it. "You're blood sugar must have dropped again. You need to eat something." He nods. "Ok Auntie." I kiss the top of his head. "Get some rest." I whisper as the baby starts crying. I go and grab her. "Rosie. Shh." I coo her back to sleep. "Auntie." I walk back over to Jason. "What?" I ask quietly. "Can we go swimming?" I shake my head. "Rest. First." He rolls over and goes to sleep. I walk over to with kitchen. I pick up my phone and call Cheryl. "Hey baby what's up?" She ask picking up. "I need you to come home." I whisper. "Jason passed out, Rose is crying and Fran almost had a meltdown." I tell her. "Baby. I can't. Call V." I nod. "I'll see you when you get home. Love you." I whisper. "I love you too baby."

Veronica walks out of Jason and Debby's room. "Thank you." I sigh. She smiles. "It's fine. Are you ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah!" I lie. "Toni." She whispers. "Cheryl said something was going on she just didn't say anything." I shake my head. "I really don't to talk about it!" I insist. "Toni..." I shake my head. "Topaz!" She whispers. "My mom she died. I really don't want to talk about it!" I walk downstairs. Fran walks out of the kitchen. "Debby is being mean!" I sigh. "Ok. Tell her to stop." I tell him. "I already did." I take a deep breath. "Ok. Ok." I walk into the kitchen and Debby is looking at Fran ready to kill him. "Hey! Stop!" I walk over to her. "What happened?" I ask quietly trying to calm her down. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. She shakes her head. "Please!" I kneel down in front of her. "What's bothering you that you have to lash out at your brother?" I ask quietly. She shakes her head and storms off. I know exactly where. "Fran go to the living room." I take a deep breath. He storms out. "This is why I can't be a parent!" I say going to find Debby. "Sweetheart." I sit in front of her. "What's bothering you?" I ask quietly. "Fran knows his parents." She confesses. "Barely." I look at her. "What were my parents like?" She ask quietly. I sigh. "I never met your dad and when I knew your mom she had fallen off the deep end. You should probably talk to Cher or aunt Betty about that. But what I heard about your dad was that he kept Cheryl safe for as long as possible." I rub her hair. "Why did you guys decide to adopt us?" She ask quietly. "Because of your father." I tell her. "Cheryl didn't get to say goodbye." She nods. "We both love you! You and Jason are the greatest kids ever! You guys are like the kids we didn't know we needed." I smile. She grins a little. "Cheryl told me about your mom." I look down. "I'm sorry about that." I nod. "Do you want to go back?" I stand up. She wipes her tears. I take her hand and we go back into the house.

"You ok baby?" I shake my head. "What's wrong?" She ask quietly. She rubs my back. I just lie into her. "Can you take a few days off of work? I know we can't really afford it right now. But I'm beyond stressed. I'm so overwhelmed right now." I ask quietly. "Of course. And we can I afford it I just don't like missing work. Because unlike you, I like my job." I smile a little. "Thank you." I kiss her. "It's ok baby." She nods. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you more." She smiles. "What did I miss today?" She ask changing the subject. "You should talk to Debby about Polly and Jason. Besides the fact that they are related." I confess. "Toni..." Cheryl sighs. "She asked! Something with Fran I'm not sure." I tell her. "I'll talk to her." She whispers. "Mom." Fran walks into the room. "I had a bad dream." I help him on the bed. I rap my arm around him. "What happened?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head.

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