Pt. 5 Szn. 1/ end

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I was doing my hair when I noticed all the hickies on my neck
I gasped
Me~ Cole Robert Brock
C~ yessssss
he said laughing a bit
Me~ what am I gonna do
I said hitting him softly
C~ it's fine no one will notice or even care
Especially since ur mine now no ones gonna say anything
Me~ my mom she's gonna kick my a-  butt
He laughed at me
C~ it's fine baby
he said putting his hands on my waist
Y~ let's go
I said grabbing his hands pulling him to the car
I really didn't know what I was gonna do about hickies it's fine they'll go away right?
Yea its gonna be fine I'll just cover them with makeup
Colby has his hand on my thigh the whole ride
Y~ why in the shape of a C
I said grabbing my things and walking with him in to the school
"So people knew you where mine" he said walking me to my first period kissing my head and leaving

Time skip to lunch•
All day Colbys friends have been whispering as I walk by I was getting nervous
I walked up to colby
Me~ do you know why people keep whispering
As I walk by
C~ no
Me~ I'm gonna go to the bathroom
I said walking away fast
I walked in to the bathroom to see colbys ex Shea
I just smiled gently
Shea~ hey slut
I looked at her angry and confused
Me~ what?
Shea~ yea haven't you heard all the stuff Colbys been saying around school about you
Me~ what are you talking about
Shea~ yea he's telling all oh his friends how he hates you and ur crazy and how you drive him mad and ur a stalker a watcher a psychopath
Me~ he wouldn't say that
Shea~ oh? But he did
I was on the verge of tears
I dug my car keys out of my bag
And signed my self out
And drove home all these thoughts rushed through my head "he used me"
"He never cared about me"
"This can't be true"
I just wanna go home
I was talking to my friends
Waiting for y/n to come back
And one of them mentioned something about
How she Drived me crazy that I should drop her.
this is what she was talking about
I saw her walk out of the bathroom in to the office and out the doors I tried to catch up up but she was long gone
I texted her
•Baby girl😍😘
Me~ hey you ok
Me~ were did you go
Me~ I coming over after school
Me~ I don't know what you herd but I didn't say anything like that 

Don't come over I need a minute I'll call you later ~Baby
End on texts•

I need to see her I really miss her none of those rumors are true
lunch is over•
I walked alone to mine and y/ns class
I said in my seat that was next to hers
I missed her it was weird w/o her
Jake has a evil smirk on his face like he knew something
Jake~ where's y/n well I guess ur just happy to get her out of your hair for a bit since she drives you so crazy he said laughing
Me~ I never said that Jake
I said getting angry and standing up
Jake~ but you did Colby
Me~ no I didn't
Jake~ she's a slut anyway you could do better
That's it I was done I punched him in the nose he got up and started punching me too
We where in the ground beating tf outta each other
I got sent home for "starting the fight"
I wanted to go see y/n so that what I did

I didn't know what to do but I got a snap from Jake saying if I need to talk I could come over
I replied with no thank you I need to be alone rn"
I just wanted to tell Colby but he's kinda the reason I'm so upset
I was on my bed just wanting to get all the thing he said out of my head I was wearing Colbys hoodie kind of crying I just wanted to see him but I'm really mad at him for what he said
I heard a knock on the door I got up walking down stairs slowly not wanting to open it
When I got to the door I wasn't really expecting anyone so I opened it slowly
Seeing the one person I wanted to see
It was colby
C~ I know you don't wanna see me rn bu-
I but him off by hugging him tight but pulling away noticing the bruises all over him
Me~ what happened
C~ it doesn't matter I'll explain later but I need you to know I never ever said any of those thing
Me~ then why did Shea say then how I'm a stalker "watcher a psychopath" and how I drive you crazy
I said kinda tearing up
C~ I didn't say anything like that please letting me explain
I had I few tears coming down my face but I wiped them quickly and nodded letting him in
C~ Jake spread all the rumors I would never say those things In 5th hour he started arguing with me and he called you a "slut" so I had to do something so we started fighting
Y~ why would you do that cole look at you
C~ I don't care all that matters is that you know I didn't say that and people know ur not any of those things
Y: I forgive you even tho you didn't say those things ok
I said with a half smile
C~ ok
He said playing with my hoodie string
Wanting to kiss me
I grabbed his face and kissed him
I was passionate and filled with lust he pulled away and looked at me
C~ I love you
Me~ I love you too
Time skip 2 years later•
You and Colby are now out of high school
You are friends with all of his friends you have moved to LA with all of ur guys friends you and Colby have been dating for 3 1/2 years
He was the sweetest Jake found someone you guys have not met yet you guys are all happy your mom eventually got over the fact of you and Colby dating even tho it took 2 years
Colby has become a YouTuber with Sam you also have a fan base for your photography and you have a YouTube channel as well
You and Colby and living a happy life in LA
There might be a 2nd szn I have made up my mind yet

Xoxo thank you sm for reading this I know it's short but I'm working on a new one make sure to vote it helps me out a lot 💛😊

High school 🥵Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum