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(Michael POV: Still wearing the Mask.)
I watch as Dalton checks up on the two, and then I look at Bri. She is looking out the window, lost in her thoughts. Then I hear a quickening heartbeat, and my head snaps over to where the two boys were. Panda Boy, Austin I think, is sitting up, looking wide eyed at me. He's hyperventilating. "Dalton." I call, and Dalton comes in, sees that he is hyperventilating, and rushes to his side. "Austin, calm down. You're safe. You're okay." Dalton then looks to me sharply. "Take the Mask off, Oni. You're scaring him." Dalton orders, and I reluctantly take my Mask off. (My headcannon is that Michael has red eyes, but he can change them to black. He also has 'Demon Eyes', which make him have Red irises, white pupils, and the whites of his eyes turn black.) Red eyes meet Blue, and he tries to scramble backwards. Suddenly, Bri is at his side, and he calms down. He looks around, and his eyes land on Ritchie. "What... what happened?" Austin manages to say. "Both of you were attacked in the woods, and now your brother is sick." I respond, and he looks at me with wide eyes. "How did you know we got attacked?" He asks. "Bri happened to see you go into the woods, and she decided to follow you. Lucky she did, because otherwise you wouldn't be here. She saw the attack, and called me in. We brought you to the closest doctor." I respond, and he looks back at Ritchie. "Will he be okay?" Austin asks. "No. That little trek into the woods has changed his life forevermore. He has been infected with a disease called 'Lycanthropy'. I'm sure you've heard of it?" I ask. "Wait. He... he's a werewolf? You have to be joking. Werewolves aren't real!" Austin says, and I laugh. "Austin. As hard as it may be to believe, Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts? They are real." I say, and Dalton nods when Austin looks at him for confirmation. Then, Ritchie sits up.

(Author's Note: HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!!!)

Word Count: 347

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