Chapter 4

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December 14th, 2019  2:03 pm


It was the day of the task. From what I heard they were going to use real-life dragons. Like, first of all, they want to stop kids from dying, but they have them go against dragons that are 10 times their size. Second of all, don't they think that the dragons are going to be in danger too like at least think about the safety of the creatures that you're using?

As the task started, I began to get more worried fro the dragons than the champions. One of the dragons had stepped on its eggs. That's such an irresponsible thing to not pay attention too. Did the people who cared for the dragons not care? They obviously had to because I saw a tall heavily freckled man yelling at Dumbledore about the dragon's safety. At least he knew how to act around the mistreatment of creatures.

Draco and I sat in the stands not too far from the Weasley's. I had met the two tall twins named Fred and George. I think the guy that was yelling was related to them, he had the same wild red hair like them and above-average height. The twins were a fun bunch to be around, even though they were two years above me, they still acted like normal people. As normal gets, since they prank people all the time.

By the time that it Potter's turn to confront his dragon, the crowd was prepared for him to either completely fail or do it successfully. I didn't get the point of what was so great about this Potter kid. Just cause the murder curse backfired on that one daRk wizard dude, doesn't mean that the kid actually destroyed him.

He used his broom to escape the dragon and get the egg. It sounds like child and creature endangerment to me. I get that he's apparently done it loads of times, but I don't get why you would let a 14-year-old on a flying broom. Draco actually did seem worried about him though, which was kinda endearing. Guess, the lovesick boy was really trying to catch his affections. Even if he looks like some plain guy, who would be the side character in a book. I guess I'll tolerate Potter, for Draco's sake.

Hermione was sat close to us. Other than paying attention to the task, I just watched the way she reacted to the champions and dragons. The way her nose scrunched when someone got close to being hurt, was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. Her cheer when Potter had gotten the egg, was one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard in my life. This girl is so adorable, I sure do hope that she's bi or something. I hope she doesn't like this Potter guy, cause then I'll be really sad.

The scores for the Champions were announced. Potter and Krum had tied for first, Cedric had come in second, and the Delacour had come in third. I have no idea why I had come to watch this, I should've just stayed at the castle and worked on catching up to the classes. At least, I got a glance at Hermione.

A few days after the task had ended the heads of the houses had announced the Yule Ball. A tradition with the Triwizard Tournament. A chance to socialize with the guests as the professors had called it.

I planned to ask Hermione to the ball since I've given up all sense of thinking. I don't know what I'm gonna do, I think I'm just gonna go up to her in the library and ask her. If she says no, I'll just go hide in my dorm. Draco was planning on asking Potter, but he knew that Potter still didn't have the best feeling towards him.

"So, how are you going to do this?" Draco asks.

We're sitting against a tree by the black lake.

"I have absolutely no idea, she's talked to me once, and it wasn't even a good conversation, how am I supposed to just ask her to a ball where everyone will see us together," I answer.

"Well, first of all, you have to forget about what the other people think. You like her and this is a good opportunity to show her that you like her. What if she says yes? You never know." He says trying to calm me down.

"I know, I shouldn't care what other people think, but she's this smart person who's almost famous because she and her friends are these adventurous people," I begin.

"Why would she want to go to the ball with me, some random girl who transferred here less than a month ago," I say.

"I have only known you for almost three weeks, and I know that she's daft if she doesn't wanna go with you," Draco says.

"Just go up to her and ask her to the ball," Draco suggests.

"Isn't that too forward?" I ask.

"Do you want her to think that you're asking her if she's going or do you want her to think that you like her?" He asks.

"That I like her!" I exclaim.

"Then stop being such a wimp and go ask her to the ball before someone else does." He says.

"Fine, I guess I'm doing this," I answer.

Here I go.

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