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It's morning at Hawkthorn's Asylum and the patients are just rising from bed. Though, none really slept.

Breakfast is served in the cafeteria!

Remember patients, guards are posted everywhere and they are not afraid to break up any... suspicious activity

Breakfast Menu (choose two) :

-Warm eggs- (because you can burn someone with hot eggs)

Dinner Menu (choose anything you'd like)

-Brown mush they call food-
-What is supposed to be a salad but looks like it has dead rats in it-
-Chicken noodle soup (the only thing even remotely edible)-

That's it you greedy nethanderalls

If you choose to skip breakfast, I'm afraid you will not be fed again until supper.

Make friends, we recommend that you don't create enemys, we don't know how patients manage to sneak in to the rooms and slaughter others, but it happens! So be cautious.

The only patient with a private room is Black for... Security reasons. All other patients will be in rooms of 2.

But other then those rules, have fun! Try not to scream too loudly at night, nightmares plague everyone, not just you. If you feel the undeniable urge to cry, do so quietly please.

That's all for the day! Enjoy your food!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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