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My bags were packed by sunrise as news of my journey traveled from house to house. Most, wish me luck and pray that I make some sort of breakthrough. Others, assume I'm delirious, that the death of my father has driven me to insanity. Nether the less, I will go and bring back the rain or I will die trying. At least I'm not stuck here waiting for a miracle to occur.

Perhaps I am mad, seeking out a mystical being who seemingly controls the rain. It sounds made up, a twisted fairytale. Call it madness or desperation. These legends have been running this village since the beginning of time, tales of magic. The Rain Master a name that's been spoken into existence from stories. Typically told to children in their youth, a bed time story. The elders in the village believed them to be true. I believed them to be true.

Legends speak of a man, unlike any other. Of a callous nature. His eyes darker than the night, his stature tall and stiff. Emotionless and frightening, yet his presence draws you to him. In a hypnotic state you can't help but be attracted to this disguised devil. Some say it's his trap, he pulls people in and then once they're close enough he breaks them. Many have suffered at his wim. Anyone brave enough to seek him out has never returned. By walking into the dragons den your almost insuring your death and if you do manage to escape you'll be leaving with burns. Wretched, horrid burns. There has only been one to survive an encounter with the Rain Master, he returned with minor injuries, a few scabs and cuts, nothing more. At least that's what we thought, we didn't know that the encounter had truly poisoned his mind, slowly upon his return he lost sanity, what he saw was left to our imaginations. All we know is that he left a strong minded soldier and returned as a broker, fragile man driven to madness. We lost him to, a few nights after he returned, hanging from the ceiling.

Ignorance is something which protects the people, those who refuse to believe in something bigger than themselves. In denial. At some point, I was one of those people, refusing to listen. Before my fathers death, I mocked those who believed, shunned those who preached of it, laughed at the elders who constantly spoke of the Rain Master. It hit me at full force, these stories, these realities, they weren't merely spoken into reality, there was a deeper meaning, a solution to all our problems.

From the start my mother disapproved of this journey, she couldn't imagine losing me after the heart renching death of my father. Though I know this I must persist, fear may dwell within me but I must go. My fathers dying wish was for me to protect my remaining family and that's what I will do as the future chieftain the village is my family and I will do whatever it takes to rid us of this curse.

"It's time to go" I encourage myself to follow through with my plan. The sun taunts me, criticising me for leaving, laughing at my efforts. It motivates me. I gather my things and trudge outside. My mother and siblings await me, as well as some villagers and the elder, Elmari. A soulful, wise women. She has her own magic, she knows things we don't. A gift bestowed only to her.

"I wish you would not go child", my mother voice wavers as tears threaten to fall. Fragile. She does her best to hold onto my siblings. They clutch to as if she's there life line. She is our life line. Part of the reason I'm going is so that I don't lose another parent. Though she acts strong, I see her weakening. Her voice was once strong, commanding and fearless. Now it's a mirage of what it used to be, a fighting whisper.

"I'll be alright, I'll follow the map" the map clutched in my hand. This hunt was hugely reliant on these directions traced by the Elmari. My fear hidden behind a strong facade, encapsulating confidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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