I'm thinking about you, why?

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From that day on every time the Reptilian saw the Embalmer he felt intrigued.

He would never manipulate his own game, winning was still something he wanted to do. Yet, every time he saw him he avoided him at first. Some might even see this as a strategy due to the survivor's coffin, but he had to admit. He wanted to give the other a fairer chance.
But he caught him at times, and even then he found himself being...well, not so aggressive. The other's pained sounds were quite the melody, but he felt guilty for enjoying it at times.
Within a week there had been at least three more awkward situations.
One of them being the Reptilian landing right on top of the Embalmer after a leap, making them tumble a bit before the hunter caught him after the survivor had ended up being pinned underneath him.
The other being the embalmer's shirt ripping while he escaped through a window, giving the hunter a slight glimpse at his lower back. The hunt didn't continue after that.
And the third one being when Luchino body blocked the Embalmer in a corner.
He had been the last one of the survivors in that round. But instead of going through the effort of tying balloons to him, after an awkward moment of staring at each other, the reptile just threw the other over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before he got him to the chair.

He had found himself looking forward to playing.
He was just curious about the other. What did his voice even sound like? What was his name?
If he could guess, maybe something like Raphael? Samuel?... Maybe Marvin? He just knew his title after all, but he didn't want to refer to him like that.

Today he decided to not play. Other hunters wanted a go too and he had been playing for three days in a row. So, once again, he roamed the living room on their side of the manor.
While relaxing he had heard some squeaking from behind a bookshelf, and after investigating he caught the little critter in his lanky fingers.
It was a white mouse. The animal quite frightened tried to find a way out of the reptiles grasp. It attempted to squish itself between his fingers and to Luchino's own surprise it eventually got out and climbed onto the back of his hand.
The Scholar observed it curiously, toying a little with the mouse as he tried to keep it on his hands as it tried to run away.
It reminded him so much of the Embalmer~ or Raphael... maybe Carl?
He wasn't sure when, but a smile has spread on his face by the thought. And suddenly, his appetite for rodent faded.
With a little growl, he leaned down before he allowed the mouse to escape.

"Even sparing pests now, I see~" The familiar french accent echoed from behind him, making the Reptilian turn around only to be faced by the Photographer.
"Maybe you don't really cut it for a hunter, even if you got the looks down." The blonde snickered slightly before he took his usual seat.
"I just wasn't hungry..." Luchino returned with a little sneer before he returned to his own spot close to the fire-place.

"Right, right." Joseph mused as he opened up his sketchbook. "I don't see how can just settle with a tie, I mean. You can win at times, yet you don't. Seems a little silly to me." The younger man continued as he flipped through his book.
"Maybe you need to switch sides~" Joseph continued his mumbles from his high horse, making the Reptilian roll his eyes as he curled up in front of the warmth. He didn't have time for this.


Blushing, why the hell had he been blushing?! The last thing you should do when a hunter grasps you is feel flustered.
Aesop just silently sat on his bad, rubbing his cheek a little absent-minded as he reflected on the past few days.
This was bad, wasn't it?

He sighed deeply before he laid back onto the bed.
He found himself thinking about the reptilian more than often lately. For ones, why was he like that? Was he more human, or more reptile? If he was a human before, how did he look like? The only hint he got were the few strains of ginger hair on the other's head.

And those glistering scales, underneath the moonlight they flickered so dashingly ~
He had been so tempted to just touch the hunter's face one time. The thought had been brief, but it was there. Why was it there?

His little dilemma was interrupted when he heard a soft knock on the door, making him sit up a little surprised.
For a second he considered taking his face mask but discarded the thought before he got up and walked over to the door to open it.

"Yes?.." he asked a little unsure when he was met face to face with Helena.
"I am sorry to bother you, but have you maybe seen Naib? He was supposed to help out in the kitchen today, but he is nowhere to be found." The red-haired woman said with a slight frown, making Aesop raise a brow.
"Oh, uhm... The last time I saw him was in the dining room, but I don't know where he went." The Embalmer started, pondering for a moment before he continued.
"I could help you look for him?" He suggested a moment after, making Helena's face light up.
"That would be wonderful!" She said cheerfully in return.
"Alright then, as soon as I find him I will send him to the kitchen." The silver-haired man returned softly, his voice as low as usual.
Helena thanked him once more before she left, heer cane clicking down the large hallway.

Another moment of consideration passed before he quickly walked back to his bed to get his face mask before he got on his way to find Naib.

The mercenary was known to slack off when there was work to do, and on top of that, he was usually hard to find.
But Aesop had already suggested helping, so there was no turning back now.

He checked out rooms, empty libraries, balconies and even dared to go out to the garden.

The garden ended in the exact middle of the mansion, a large hedge separating the two sides like a wall. And inside it was no different.
There was one room separating the hunter's side from the survivor's side, the only reason there was order in the mansion.

The only thing he found in the garden were a few of Emma's tools, the gardener even in the light snow trying her best to keep the plants as happy and healthy as possible. He made a mental note to not go out again without a coat....

Next stop for him was the room mentioned above. He doubted Naib would have anything to do there, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
With a sigh he closed the door behind him, still shaking slightly from the cold outside. Maybe he should go to the living room later...

When he opened the door to the rather large hall he hesitated at first to go inside. This was the only room hunters were allowed to enter too, and you could never know who was lurking around.
After sticking his head inside and looking around he finally stepped in, surprised by the sight of naib sitting on one of the old couches next to the door, with his tongue sticking out, fixing something on his pads.

Aesop cleared his throat slightly as he approached the other.
"Naib?" He asked in a low tone, making the mercenary look up surprised.
" YEAH?!" He asked a little startled, scratching his cheek as he looked at the Embalmer. Aesop knew that he shouldn't take Naibs change in tone as an offense. As far as he heard the other man had a problem with his hearing which left him quite unable to control his own volume.

"The others are looking for you, you were supposed to help out in the kitchen today?" He asked a little unsure before he took another nervous look around. How could the other just stay here so calmly?

Naib looked at him, confused for a second, before realization washed over his face. "Ohhhhh, shit..." he mumbled, before his own gaze wandered to the door on the other side of the room.
"I guess I can just come back later..." The mercenary mumbled skeptically before he jumped off his seat.
"Right, I should go before Martha shoots me! See ya around freaky!" Naib said with a grin as he patted the other man's shoulder before he dashed out of the room, leaving Aesop standing there a little stunned.

When he collected himself he took another look around.
The door to the hunters was on the other side up a set of stairs, both doors facing each other in a symmetrical manner.
The windows had been shut with heavy curtains and the stairs on the other side were barely lit, unlike the few candles Naib had probably lit up on their side. What was he doing here anyway?...

Before he could observe any further a noise caught his attention, and to his own fright and surprise it was the hunter's door slowly opening.
Out stepped the ripper, the faceless man tilting his head as he saw him on the other side, sending a shiver up Aesop's spine.
For a split second he forgot that the hunter wasn't allowed to come over without a survivor's approval.
Aesop swallowed heavily and quickly rushed through the door, leaving the hunter behind who after chuckling slightly took a seat on their side, seemingly waiting for something.~

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