Chapter 2

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Tensei saw his sister being injured after her bravery and tearing while gritting his teeth in frustration, as his back is in bad shape. "Crys...tal... I am sorry for not being there for you..." He hissed as he crawled towards his passed out and fucked up sister, as he saw the EMTs and police coming towards them after getting information from eye witnesses whom saw the events transpired in the alleyway.

"Ingenium, can you hear me? Are you alright?" the EMT asked him as he arrived first to tend to Tensei first. "Please don't move."

"My sister... she's in worse shape than I am, yet I can't feel my legs." He groaned as he looked up at the EMT in worry while stream of tears coming out of his eyes. The EMT called out for back up to get the other EMTs to take care of his sister while getting a stretcher for Ingenium to carry him to an ambulance in a hurry.

The other EMTs found Speedy Alchemist: Ashe in a worse state than Ingenium, missing an eye and full of cuts and scrapes all over her body. "I found her!" they called out to the police and EMTs to tend to her immediately. "Ma'am, can you hear me? Please wake up!"

"Mmm... Tensei..." She whispered as she opened her good eye to the one who is helping her. ""

"He's going to the hospital as we speak, but you need to save your strength as you lost your eye and having several fractured ribs, so we are doing as much as we can. Just hang on." he replied to her as he got another stretcher to carry her to the ambulance, as she started to cry again, her eye was the only one to cry as the other one is gone completely.

After a while of travelling to the local hospital, which Tensei is healing at, she is rushed to the Operating Room, taking care of her wounds, as they were racing against the time to save her life, thus lasted for hours to operate upon her. As the operation is going on, the nurses called upon the Iida family to deliver the news of their children.

"Hello?" Mrs. Iida answered the phone while being busy in doing chores, thus she dropped whatever she was holding in her hand, as she held the phone in shocked and horror. "My boy Tensei?! Oh my god! Where is he?? I'll get his father and hurry over there immediately. Crystal... oh my god... that stupid girl, but thank you for telling me about this. Uh huh, yes, thank you again, good bye." She sighed as she hanged up the phone, slowly crying over her elder son unable to be a hero anymore while not caring about her adopted daughter since she was a bit cold towards her.

(don't ask since that's some parents act like when they adopted her when Tensei was a young boy, thus she was pushed aside when Tenya was a healthy boy a few years later, ergo she became closer to her younger brother than her adopted mother.)

When Mr. Iida came home from an emergency call he had gotten, his wife was waiting for him with a packed bag for them to take when travelling and staying at the hospital which was a few miles away via train travel. "What happened? Where is Tensei being held at, dear? Our little girl is also hurt, from what is being told by some friends of mine." He said as he was worried for her, more so than his wife.

She told him where Tensei is, but coldly told him that she didn't care about her adopted daughter as she didn't have the necessary quirk that the family needed, thus she was put aside to tend to her favored sons.

Mr. Iida sighed as he never understood his wife as she was being distant to her only adopted daughter, as she is a beautiful and bright girl to the family and her quirk is as good as his sons' speed and without her quick thinking of mixing ingredients to make healing stuff or boosts in speed for them, they would be in a worse shape as they are at the moment. 'My poor girl, she is in need of my help, please God please protect our Speedy Alchemist: Ashe. Please, as a father and protector of my kids, give her a second chance, also a grace of mercy.' he silently prayed as he got the car ready to travel to Hosu to find his eldest and adopted children.

Hours later, they arrived at the hospital which the nurses told them that the female is in the O.R., Tensei is in I.C.U., trying to save his legs and lower back areas, but they gave the parents the grim news that Tensei can not be a hero anymore, whereas the girl, she might still be a hero if she uses an artificial eye to continue her duties as an support hero. Let's just say that Mrs. Iida screamed and wailed from the news while spitting curses at their adoptive daughter having a better chance of hero work than their elder son. Mr. Iida, on the other hand, was calmer than his wife and relieved that at least his younger son and only daughter is ok to keep hero work going, though she lost an eye in the process.

When they arrived at the room of Tensei's, Mrs. Iida ran up to his side while stroking his hair, tears coming out of her eyes as she watched her son going through hell of resting as the words replaying in her head, telling her than one of her sons won't do anymore hero work at all. "My son, my son, my son, please don't say its true. please tell me its a joke, please." she whispered as she wept.

Mr. Iida sighed and stepped outside the room to make a call to Tenya, whom is in the middle of the Sports Festival, as it was important, as he was thanking God that he answered the phone to tell him the grim news of Tensei and waiting for the news of his sister from the surgeons.

Meanwhile, Tenya was fighting against Ibara Shiozaki, whom has a quirk Garden Body as it makes a shield or a weapon with her mass of vines as hair, thus she is quite a fighter in mid range attacks, yet her saintly ways is a good way to be a pure hearted hero. According to Present Mic of UA, she was knocked out of bounds by Iida's Recipro Burst, as he was a fast fighter and thus, she didn't know what hit her until it was too late. As he reflect upon his victory, he received a call from his parents on his cell phone, thus he excused himself to answer the call

"Hello? ... What? What happened to Tensei?? Oh damn, and my sister, Crystal? ..." he asked as he heard his dad telling him the news, which he felt really broken from the news, as he felt closer to his sister than anyone else, hell he did look up to Tensei when he was a boy, yet Crystal was there to give him hope, laughter, and cheer while their parents were working. "I'll be there as soon as the end of the Sports Festival, ok, I'll be there now since I can talk to Midnight-san about the personal emergency happening at this time. Thanks, father. Good bye."

He was shaking with rage after hanging up the phone and thus, he kicked the wall with his leg as he was full of frustration, anger, and sadness from the horrible news, as he kept kicking until all of the emotions are released, then called on Midnight-san to have him not participate any further into the tournament, due to the reasons of his emergency, then left to head towards Hosu, full of worry of his siblings.


Based on the anime and manga to follow the storyline, but its funny to think about it when I was typing this up those couple of days ago.

Path to DestructionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora