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I should've named this book mystery man. Because jAy.

There's some fanart made by me^


Y/n's pov.
Its dans. Birthday.

(Yuki is slow. Very very slow ok-)

I have a little birthday money for him. Its me kinda paying him back.. For the snacks i had him buy me. I am in my room on the floor with Yuuki. "Now. I know your little and still learning. But your gonna help deliver this present" I say tying a string to her collar.

"No dont eat that-" I then roll the money up tying it on the other end lf the string. "Ok. Lets go find Dan" I say. I walk out seeing Dan still sleeping on my floor. "Perfect." I bend down placing the puppy on the floor. "Attack." I say but she sits there. Well. Ive had her for only one day...

"Ok.. Come. Come on" i say in a slight baby voice. She follows and we reach Dan. "Daniel~" I say and his eyes slowly open "did this puppy just talk-" he says and i laugh. "Daniel! Happy birthday you old boy!!" I say. His face lit up with a smile "and Yuuki and I have a gift! Give it to him Yuuki" i say and shes just there. He notice the string and untied it from her.

"Money- thanks y/n!" He says and i smile. Then a pillow hits his face. "Happy birthday!" Stephen yelled "why did you- Happy birthday!" Hosuh says and Stephen lifts up another pillow. "Wheres Jay?" "Waiting for you in the bedroom-" "Stephen!" Hosuh yelled. Stephen laughs. "In the bathroom" Hosuh says.

"He said he's buying you dinner" Hosuh says. "Really?" Dans says. "What did you guys get me?" He asks looking at the two. "Almost done" Hosuh says. "Stephens good looks" Stephen says posing. I shake my head shielding Yuuki's eyes.


"You guys have fun" i say smiling. They're going to treat Dan while I stay with the puppy. "We'll  be back" "yep! I'll be back for my puppy" Jay says and I shake my head. They leave and it's quiet. "Well let's try and do some tricks. Maybe even just play a little" I say dropping a few small dog toys on the ground.

Shes a puppy and she'll start to chew on things one day.. But that's why they bave bones for them to chew on.


The bones were a lie. When Bebe was little she chewed up my cousins dolls and i lauhed-

But today is Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I know the chapter was super super short but i was meant to update yesterday but something came up so I'll jusf update a small filler-

I gotta goooo


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