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Graser’s P.O.V.

        The girls said they would help decorate and take care of her. They also told us about someone wanting us to live like we do on the Cube, and built a full scale model of it for all of us to live in. They said it'd take a few years, but they could do it. Well, damn! It will be way easier with that to take care of Lily with everyone to help out.

        She kind of looks like someone I know, but I can't put my finger on who. A knock on the door woke up Lily and she started crying.

        "Come in girls!" I yelled, then focused trying to comfort Lily - and failing.

"Shhh, it’s okay. Lily, you'll be fine here have a toy.." It’s not working. Maybe if I give her another toy! Ah ha, that has to be it - she wants another toy. Nope. That's not working either. Damn it!

        The girls started laughing at my failed attempts and Bee took the baby and cradled it in her arms.

        "You can't just give her toys, you have to hold her and - eww I think she needs a new diaper, and I think you need a shower. No wonder she's crying, I would too if I had to smell that all day." Bee said, and everyone was cracking up as I left to take a shower.

Bee’s P.O.V.

        "Okay girls, let's get started I got some paint in my car. You can start moving the stuff out so we can paint as soon as I get back in here, okay?"

        "Okay," I heard everyone mumble, starting to go to work.

        "Oh, and Bayani,"


        "Change her diaper." I said with a sly smile creeping onto my lips.

        "Nooo,” He wailed, “I don't want to - why can't Stacy or Dul?"

        "Because I already gave them a job." I chuckled and went out to my car.

Bayani’s P.O.V.

        Noooo! Why me? Oh god, I really don't want to change her diaper. Maybe Stacy will do it for me!

        "Hey, Stacy!"


        "What? I didn't even ask you anything yet!"

        "I know what you’re going to say, and no."

        "Please just switch with me. Please!"


        "Fine!" I got some gloves, a new diaper, and some wipes. I laid her down and started taking the diaper off.

        "Oh, my god. Whyyy!" I heard the girls laughing in the background. I mumbled a 'fuck off', ugh - I felt like throwing up.

        "God, why can babys poo in the toilet like us." I mumbled, quickly taking the diaper off and throwing it away. I wiped her butt with a disgusted face.. and then a flash came. Dul just took a picture of this!

        "Oh my god, Dul, you delete that right now!"

        "Nope, that's going to your fans!" She said through laughter.

        I finished up changing her diaper and chased Dul around with Lily in my arms. As I was running after Dul, I felt the baby fall out of my arms - oh shit. As Bee came in with the paint she dove to catch Lily. She caught her and yelled at me saying stuff on how I could of hurt lily. Lily just laughed and tried to reach to me. I grabbed her and sat down, and put her down for her nap.

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