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I arrived at London's airport and fortunately people were not there. I was not in the mood to be surrounded by people, especially when I felt this bad. I felt awful. I did not want to be single. I needed Alice to be committed to me and only me. If I was scared of losing her, I could not imagine how I would feel if she starts dating other blokes.

My days were dull and bored. I wrote heartbreaking songs, I went out as management asked me, controlling my drinks, I did not want to do anything on a poor state. I could not take my mind off my Penguin with another guy.

On March 23th, I had some meetings with management and the lads, related to our new single and the new video, which was going to be shot tomorrow. Immediately, I went back to the hotel. I was tired and I was not in the best mood to deal with people in general. As my luck was against me, fans were all over the place and I had to smile as always.

They would ask for Alice and I dumbly answered she was working. After that, I just avoided those kinds of questions focusing on the girls in front of me. I did not want to think on Alice, because if I did, I would leave. I would leave everything, just to enjoy one more day with her. She was the reason I was fighting Management to get some freedom or something like it. Just to be with her.

The day was gone and early in the morning, I was awake for the video shooting of "You and I." The meaning of the song was a little bit blue, I did not have to act that much for my scenes, but I had to put a lot of effort among my friends. I was not ready to talk with them, not for me, but for them. I knew they would be more confused than me and that was really hard to beat.

It was a cold day, but the shooting ended early. I thought I was free from meetings until the start of the rehearsals, but once again, I was wrong. We had a meeting tomorrow morning. And what was worse, with management. Yes. I agreed to seem available. Yes. I agreed to flirt with every woman a saw. Yes. I was tired. Yes. I was single. Yes. I could break the truce, but that meant I had to confess to management about the break up.

So, I had to put up with everything they were saying. Not that I was listening, though. I was mastering my plan to get Alice back. For that, I had to fly back to her. Soon. And so, I paid attention to their words. "Basically you have to tweet about the new video. Oh, and Harry, you are attending Coachella in Los Angeles. We're fixing the details with Kendall so you're not alone. Also, there's a hockey game."

My mind caught up and I just stared at them, trying to think if this was a good time to say what I needed to say to them. "But, I was flying to New Hampshire before the tour." I explained, doing my best to made them understand that I needed to get away before the tour. "Well, you should have asked before booking that flight."

Their answer made me realize that they did not care at all about me or the boys. They only cared about fame and money. "You are supposed to manage my stage career and according to my lawyer, we're still in holidays. And if I have to go to those things, I rather go with my real girlfriend or alone." I tried to negotiate. If they were forcing me to do all those things, I wanted to be on my own.

"We are going to drive you as we want it." I knew all that, but that smirk added after those words, made me feel like I had to punch them all. As I could not let myself go with it, I just got mad. "You know what? I'm done." I stood up and the lads followed my example. They knew they had hit a sensitive topic by saying all that.

"We didn't mean to send that e-mail; it was a misunderstanding." As I reached the door, I turned around, because I was confused. What were they talking about? As I stayed silent trying to grow some patience, Carrie kept talking. "It wasn't our intention to send you schedule to your little affair, but you can't quit."

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