The White Death

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Hey, its Robert... Wanna hear something scary

There once lived a young girl by the name Mayura. She really hated life like nothing else, especially hers.

Mayura hated it in such a way that she wanted to rip the Earth of every trace of her. One night, when her family was out of the house she burnt all of her possessions and then she removed herself from this world...

One-by-one, as each of her family members learnt of her death they too died.The officers who responded to the scene that night also met the same fate.

Everyone who knew of the girl's existence was found mysteriously murdered. For you see, she was so determined to completely erase her memory that she returned to the earth not as Mayura again but........

The White Death. A vengeful spirit that roams eliminating everyone who ever knew her.
You won't know she is following you until you hear her telltale knock at the door.

She knocks once...... For your skin which she will use to patch her own decaying flesh.

Twice....... For your hair which she will gnash between her teeth.

Three times....... For your bones which she will fashion into clubs.

Four times......... For your heart  which she will rip out your chest.

Five times.......... For your teeth which she will polish and keep in a box.

Six times.......... For your eyes which she will pluck out one by one.

And seven times..... For your soul.
With every life she takes, her spirit grows angrier for she knows her mission can never been completed.
Her memories live on in stories that we share. Stories like this one!

Wait..... did you hear that knock?

Beware the knock of The White Death!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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