i won't take it

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Hey, the names Nicky, I'm what you people would call a 'bad person' this is for reasons, I can't get into right now, but know this, I'm an escaped convict. I was never the kid to play by the 'rules' I made my own and that's kinda how I got into this mess. So people say creatures are scary and demonic, y'know that bullshit, anyways me and my boys got a couple of the freaks into a ring and did what any criminal would do, make 'em fight obviously. Although, on my part it wasn't so smart, you see, one of them escaped their little cage where they're supposed to stay, but you can't tame what you don't understand so, it got to the other creatures and uhm, my men took down a few and to be honest, I don't even know why I did it but, I killed one with my fucking hands. I just got so mad this thing came into my place and fucks up my shit so, I wasn't having it. I kicked it's damn teeth in and had my boys hold it down while I beat it to death, now as you can imagine, shits going great. So you must be curious as to why I'm telling you this, the reason is because one of them is huge. I mean this thing is about 7'1 and it's fucking up everything around I'm sure it's looking for me, damnit it's close. Well, it's been fun shitty Nicky out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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