Shelly's flashback

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“No Tina you have to stay with me please! You can’t die on me. This is my fault I should be the one to die! Please I love you! You’re my sister you can’t die, think about your family!!” I shouted.


She was fading fast. My best friend. My sister, the person that had helped me through thick and thin. She was dying, losing her life, all because of me.


I was the one that had pulled her to this war. I was the one that had made her fight. I was the one that had convinced her to do Torchwood with me. I made her do this job, and this is what we get. What I get. What she gets.


“Back off you stupid Weevil!” I shout getting up and shooting.


I had tears in my eyes. I sank to the ground and pulled her into my arms. My tears ran down my face and splashed on her face. I could see them wiping away the blood, sweat and dirt. Her eyes were dim and she wasn’t breathing. She was gone. Her once black hair was now covered in blood and dirt, her once nice clothes were now torn and tattered. Her once beautiful face was now mangled and unrecognizable. Her throat was torn open, and was now laying in strips of drying blood.


“We have to go,” Jack said.


He picked me up and dragged me away, all while I was screaming my best friends name.




“How?” I asked.


“How are you here?” Tanner asked after me.


“Oh after the Torchwood team in Cardiff left me lying in the battlefield while I lay there dying, someone saved me. The last thing I could hear as my petty human life slipped away, was the sound of my best friend screaming my name. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t do anything.” she said.


“You... you were dead though. I felt for a pulse there wasn’t one!” I said.


“Oh Shelly you should know better than that. Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Underworld. They bring people back from the dead.”


“How many?” the doctor asked stepping forward from behind me.


“Out of us, fifteen. But we brought friends. Big friends,” she said snickering. The doctor ran to an overturned car. I could tell by the way that his face was, he didn’t like what he saw.

The Doctor’s POV


There were thousands of them. Huge, green, claws like a dinosaur. Collars around their necks allowed them to shrink themselves down into a human body that they had skinned and eaten alive. A skin suit.

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