Why would I do that? Part 1

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London, year 2120.
Planet Earth

"Alright class, so for our next project you will be participating in a huge scale project... maybe you've heard of it from fellow students? The Interspace project! You will be assigned a person living on Mars, ideally similar to your age, so like 16-17. You must learn about their life there, get to know them a little and then present to the class. After that, you mustn't stay in contact as it's dangerous, they know this and you do too now. Any questions?"

This project sounded stupid. Getting to know some random person that lives in some other planet then never being able to talk to them again? Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stu-
"Matthew you look lost, any questions?"
"Well, no disrespect, but why would I want to do that?"
"The project?"
"Well yeah, you get to know someone then nothing."
"It's been almost 100 years since the Mars settlement, they're humans too. Schools around the world and on Mars are part of the "Interspace Project" that's just how things are."

Chris poked Matt.
He turned around to face Chris.
"Don't be so negative Matt, it's just a project it will be fine. Let's see who has been assigned to us."
"Fine..." Matt mumbled. This project is stupid.
They opened their laptops to see.
"Rosa Park-son...pfft talk about generic names! She looks kinda hot though."
"Oh come on Matty, I'll never see her anyway...who have you got?"
Matt looked at his screen and clicked on the link.
"Some weirdo called Dominic Howard..."
"Oh, he looks interesting, cool hair."
"I guess."
The bell rang.
"Guys! Basic interview to your person! The questions are on the school webpage! Don't forget!"

That Dominic guy didn't look to bad, hopefully he's nice and this project will just be over.

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