part twenty six - curfew

Start from the beginning

“She wouldn't be a yandere, she is way to resentful to be one.” The person in front replies. What part of I'm not a fucking yandere! They kill, I don't!

“It might not even be the council.” Someone says, getting a frustrated sigh from someone else.

“Does it matter? Get some bloody sleep.” Someone groans, before shuffling back to sleep. Nobody answers, and eventually go to sleep themselves.

I remain still, holding all my anger away, but way to close to ripping one or their throats out.

Calm down idiot, you gonna blow this otherwise.

I wait for the notice able snores that start again, meaning they're finally asleep, took there time, dammit, I'm going to fall asleep soon.

I shuffle out, gripping the mask. I make sure I don't make a sound, and carefully make it to the open door, holding my breath as I walk pass the person closest to it.

Walking out, I realise it's barren. Not even a sound could be heard, except the storm of course, which replies by shaking the building again.

I sigh, putting the mask on. I know nothing is working, and the area is to dark to see anything, but, its a precaution, after all, the teachers are probably still doing a patrol, megami isn't that stupid.

I slow myself down, making to the first set of stairs. Now, I've got to focus. I gain myself, and glance around, making sure nobody is around.

After a small amount of time, I nod to myself, as nobody is. I grip the knife harder, waiting for the next problem. I carefully stalk upstairs, making sure I don't hear any other footsteps.

Slowly, I make it to the second floor. I pause, looking around. I see a faint glow coming from a different area,  where I assume the other classes are, in front of me. Alright, I need to make sure nobody is here.

I breath in quietly, and make my way to the next set of stairs. Like before hand, I walk slowly, until a voice haults me. I don't panic, focusing on where it's coming from, and who it might be.

A cone of light blares at the wall, telling me it's a teacher. Shit.

Wait, their using it to spot something, but, I'm practically all black, and if I could get passed their light, I'll be fine.


I watch the light carefully, watching it as it gets closer, trying to figure out where it's coming from, meaning can I sneak pass, or tackle her down.

I look back at the other hallway, finding the teacher looking through class 2:1. Dammit! I'm noticeable if she comes along. I focus, ignoring the encroaching fear.

It's now or never.

I pause bending over to make myself a smaller target. Ok, she's on the other side, so I can use the wall to my advantage.

I stop breathing, and swiftly cling to the wall, brushing straight pass the teacher. She pauses, but I hide on the other set of stairs, making sure I'm not seen.

She mumbles something, but her footsteps indicate she's gone. Good, now I've got to get to kaga.

His in one of these, I think it's 3:2, much like most the club leaders actually. I pause, leaning against the wall, making sure I focus on any difference noises, asides from the storm. Nothing enters, and I remember around who is in there.

I know itachi, umeji, taro, Kashiko, shin are in there, but my mind wanders to sorting this out. No, I need to focus, focus on the goal.

I open the door carefully, making sure I don't make a sound. I see kaga straight away, basically in the middle, dammit!

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