He's Come To see You

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Peter sat up and looked at Felicia with a confused look “where am I?” he asked then quickly checked his clothes “and who changed me!” he spoke with a slightly annoyed tone, but then realized. The woman he was searching for was right there, he jumped over the couch and went to the kitchen “Felicia.. What’s going on?”

Felicia saw all these emotions in Peters eyes and she knew him well, she knows if too many emotions and questions built up in Peter’s mind he’d get overwhelmed. She sighed then spoke “you’re at my safe house, I changed you and you’re killing yourself all week long trying to find me... I may be a cold hearted thief but you and I had something special and I can’t let you run yourself into the ground like that”

Peter stepped towards her with a slightly confused look “so what? You just left me there after telling me I have a son and you thought I’d go back to being the cheery spi-“ he was cut off as Felicia put a hand over his mouth

“Peter don’t say it out loud.. Ben doesn’t know who you or your alter ego is.. I don’t think it would be wise to let slip who you are before he gets to know the real you” the platinum haired women said as she removed her hand and went back to cooking breakfast “this will be done soon, Ben’s in the other room”

Peter didn’t know what to say but he knew that if he asked too many questions Felicia’s mind could change instantly and shed kick him out. Peter walked down a hall to find the room Felicia spoke of, it didn’t take peter long to find it and he saw Ben watching cartoons on a TV whilst eating a banana “hey there buddy” peter managed to say after realizing he was holding his breath

Ben turned around slightly shocked, his messy platinum blond and brown hair looming crazy from bed head and after a second he grabbed a Spidey plush that was next to him and cuddled it “are you one of mama’s bad friends?” his grip on his plush getting ever so tighter

This gave peter a bad feeling, ‘bad friends? Probably hammerhead’ he thought to himself “no I’m a good friend” Peter gave a soft warm smile as he kneeled down but didn’t get any closer “I used to be very close to your mother when we were younger, my name is Peter” Peter looked at the plush and smiled

“mama has said your name allot, when she cries she says it the most” Ben said hugging the plush with both hands after putting the banana down “she says things like “I wish peter was here” and some other things..” Ben’s tone getting slightly sad

Peters heart sank slightly ‘Felicia has cried over me?’ he thought to himself “well I’m here now” he said with a reassuring smile “has she said anything else? Maybe about your father?” he sat down and scooted towards Ben slightly wanting to know if she told ben about him

“Mama says Dadas a busy person.. That he helps allot of people.. Mama said that Dada is coming to see me soon but he doesn’t want to see me.. He would have come see me before” ben said and sniffles a bit as tears came to his eyes, he buried his face in his Spidey plush as he started sobbing

Peter felt his heart drop seeing ben cry “ben your father does want to see you, i promise you” he said as he gently rubbed bens arm

“h-how would you kn-know” ben stuttered through his sobs and looked up at Peter “my Dada has never come visit me”

Peter rubbed the back of his neck and wasn’t sure what to say, he couldn’t form a sentence, ben thought his father didn’t want to see him. He thought that Peter didn’t want to see his own son, that he only just found out about a week before, a lump got caught in his throat as he felt like he was going to cry aswell.

Felicia came walking in, she was listening into the whole thing and she kneeled down next to ben and looked Peter “Benjamin?” ben looked at his mother as she spoke “do you want to meet your dad?” she asked as she brushed her fingers through Ben’s hair, Peter looked between the two nervous on what ben would do or say

Ben nodded and rubbed his eyes “all I want is to give my Dada one hug..” Peter felt like he was having his heat torn out by bens words, Felicia picked up ben and put him to his feet

“sweetie, look at Peter. He has the same eyes as you” she said as ben cuddled his plush more looking at Peter “why do you think he’s here?” ben gave a slight shrug “because he’s come to see you” Ben was waiting for his mother to say something else.

The realization hit ben after a while , tears started to fill his eyes again as he tackled Peter down in a big hug “Dada..” he said as he sobbed, Peter hugged Ben back tightly as he himself started to tear up “Dada came to see me..”

Peter sobbed quietly as he held Ben in his arms tightly “of course I did buddy.. I’m so happy to meet you” he said trying not to sob too hard, he looked at Felicia who was smiling and also tearing up and Peter pulled her into the hug, this was a feeling he never thought he’d feel and neither did she, this was a family hug. A father, a mother and a son having a big hug for the first time ever.

No one truly wanted to let go but after 5 minutes of quiet sobbing and hugging Felicia broke the hug. Wiping away her tears she smiled at the two boys “breakfast is ready”

Ben burried his face in Peters chest as he held him tighter and Peter looked at Felicia “I’ll bring him” he smiled and held ben still as he stood up he picked up ben with him, Felicia’s smiled and walked out to the dining room and peter followed

A few hours had past since breakfast, ben wouldn’t let peter out of his sight even for a minute and did peter mind? Not at all, he loved that his son had clung to him instantly and so did Felicia, she have hid ben all these years but it wasn’t because peter did anything wrong, it was because if people found out she had a child it would put him in danger but that didn’t end up so well with hammerhead...  having Peter in bens life means he will be safer and protected much more then she could do on her own

The three were in the lounge watching children’s shows, ben pointed out every character he liked aswell as showed Peter his Spidey plush “I know Spider-Man” peter spoke and as he said that Ben’s eyes lit up

“is he nice? Is he strong? Is he brave?.... Is he secretly an alien?” Ben bombarded peter with questions which made Felicia laugh slightly

“this is why I try to avoid the S M topic” she spoke as she rested he head on the arm of the couch with her feet up on it, she stared fondly at Peter and Ben

Peter stared at Felicia with a soft smile then looked at ben “If your mother says it’s okay... I can get him to meet you”

Ben gasped slightly and looked at his mother who gave a slightly annoyed look at Peter but then sighed “okay but condition, the spider cannot wear anything other then his red and blue, especially the red and Black suit he’s been wearing lately, it scares ben a bit”

Peter nodded and looked at Ben “I’ll get Spider-Man to come meet you tomo-” he was interrupted as the TV changed to the news

“we apologize for interrupting this current program, but a man seen flying around New York earlier today on some kind of glider has been spotted throwing some kind of bombs at cars, this news report is a message to our hero Spider-Man, please if you’re seeing this stop this man”  the news report changed back to the cartoons

Felicia looked at Peter and he looked at her, she then picked up ben from Peter “your father has to go for now ben”

Ben looked at his mother and started to tear up then started to make grabby hands at peter “don’t go”

This made Peter feel horrible, he needed to go but his son wanted him to stay “I promise I’ll be back for dinner okay?”

“.... Pinky Promise?” ben asked as he held out his pinky with tears still in his eyes, Peter smiled and grabbed bens pinky with his and then kissed his forehead before running out the door with a duffel bag labelled peter “is he really going to come back...”

Felicia looked out the window and saw the spider swinging off towards the danger “I hope so...”

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You're blood stained pal


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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