What Now?

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I felt like I had just fallen off a cliff! It came rushing back on what had happened. Foxy attacked me and I was hit from behind...

I slowly opened my eyes to be met by a scream from Lefty?! Everything was blurry and I couldn't move. Static swarmed on the edge of my vision. "Is he going to kill us yet Molt?" Asked Lefty. "I don't know..." he said. "What did you do to me?" I asked trying to get up but failed. "I just wanted to talk but then these two knuckle heads-" he pointed at Foxy and Bonnie"- decided it was a good idea to attack you." Said Molt.

"Many of your servers either cracked or broke. You broke many wires and your endoskeleton it dented." Said Lefty. When did he become the smart one?

"I didn't break anything!" I hissed at him and he jumped back. I noticed my voice box was worse. "Foxy did most of it thinking it is ok, to run someone over, and then attack them!" I said turning to Foxy who was inching away.

I used the table to get up muttering under my breathe. "I could fix you..." said Molt and Lefty at the same time. "We can-" said Lefty. "We both will-" said Molt. "Do what you like." I muttered. "We will need to turn you soft...?"Said Lefty. "Do it if it means I can do anything properly! I can't even see properly because I was damaged so badly..." I started to power down as Molt had flipped a switch on my back and all went dark.

This is creepy! Why does Bryan want help from us? Did Foxy and Bonnie do that big of a hit on him? "Lefty?" Said Molt and I just nodded. I helped him connect a few wires. I took out a few broken servers from Bryan. He said he couldn't see properly and it's probably because his main disk almost shattered...

"Why is Bryan acting strange?" I asked Molt. "I guess Bonnie hit him that hard with that folding chair!" He replied loosening a bolt then replacing it. I carefully took out the voice box and started to work on it. When I was finished I put it back it and saw that Molt had the dented piece of metal and it had a slightly better shape than before.

"Why are we even helping him?" I asked in a small voice. "Because Lefty, he is controlled by Afton. You know what Afton could do to him if he betrays him like before." He said gesturing to me. He was right. Last time he tried to help us I got nearly scrapped by that Trash Rabbit! He took me apart and tormented me and my friends! He also did a number on Bryan and fixed him loosely himself.

But this was just... weird...

Who Am I Even?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon