Deals: In the Eyes of Jim Hawkins

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Tom weaved his way through some members of the crew and towards me, who was tying a sail down. We had been sailing for three weeks with Silver and his crew, and most of them treated us like we were part of the crew. We had been given sailing clothes to wear, and Silver even gave us caps to wear as well. I chuckled a bit as I saw Tom trying to fix his cap.

"I don't think I'll ever be used to sailing on a ship," he muttered.

"Then how did you get to England?" I asked, confused.

"A ship," came the reply. "I just never got used to it."

I chuckled again before I heard Tom sigh.

"I reckon that our mothers are worried about us," he began, sitting next to me. "The news of the school burning down and the disappearance of two students would have probably reached them by now."

"I think you're right," I sighed. "I'm sure that Smollett is doing everything he can to find and help us."

The sound of someone approaching made us look up. The first mate, John Avery, was standing above us. He grunted and nodded his head at us.

"Cabin boys," he grunted. "Captain Silver wants to see you,"

With a look at each other, Tom and I rose and followed Avery to the captain's cabin. Avery knocked twice, and soon Silver's voice told him to let us in. When we entered, Silver was looking at the map and whistling to himself. He glanced up, and broke into a grin.

"Ah! Hawkins!" he nodded at me, and then nodded at Tom. "And young Silberg! I bet you are wondering why I called you here."

We didn't reply, so Silver kept on talking.

"Well, lads, after this long voyage..."

"It wasn't that long," I muttered under my breath.

Silver gave me a look before continuing.

"As I was saying, we only have one more week until we reach the island."

At this news, I froze. I never wanted to see that God forsaken island again, and here I was, sailing right towards it. By my side, Tom squirmed uneasily, and Silver took notice of this. He stood and made his way over to Tom, and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Heard stories about the island, eh Silberg?" he chuckled.

Swallowing, Tom nervously nodded, receiving another chuckle in reply.

"Don't worry lad," he patted Tom's shoulder again. "This time it won't be as dangerous, and I promise to bring both of you home safe and sound."

"Mr. John Silver-"

"Just Silver, lad."

"Silver, I've been wanting to ask this for a while. Why did you burn down our school?"

I was amazed at the bravery of my friend, and I prepared for the worst. However, Silver looked confused instead of angered.

"I didn't burn down the school," he replied. "That was the only place I could work. But whoever did was able to let me put my plan into motion a lot faster than intended."

"Liar," I muttered, but Tom placed a hand on my shoulder to quiet me.

"If you weren't the one who did it," Tom narrowed his eyes. "Then who did?"

"I already told you that I don't know, lad," came the irritated reply. "And if you ask me one more time, I'll throw you over the side."

This silenced Tom as he just frowned in reply. Silver sighed before continuing to speak.

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