You're Having That Conversation

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Dianne frowned, looking at Connie, as she packed her stuff into the suitcase. The little girl was still fast asleep and according to Dianne's phone, it was nearing nine thirty. She sat down on the bed, as Joe came out of the bathroom dressed in his running stuff. "Gosh, she's flat out still, I wonder why?" She commented, putting her hand on Connie's back, trying to feel if she was warm.

"Weird isn't it? Is it overkill to want to check her temperature?" Joe asked, stroking Connie's cheek.

Dianne shook her head, glad he had suggested it because it was the first thing she thought.

"I'll go stealth and do the armpit one, she won't wake up then. She doesn't look flushed or sound sniffly to you does she?" Joe asked, as he returned from the medicine cabinet with the old style thermometer, glad Connie had refused to wear pyjamas, as it had made his life easier.

"Definitely not, all normal?" Dianne said, speaking at her normal volume hoping to wake Connie up slightly.

Joe nodded and kissed his baby girl, fully opening the curtains so the bright July sun danced across her face, highlighting her tiny freckles that she had started to get because of the sunny weather.

"Must have decided to have a lie in on the one day we have things to do!Connie Louise, it's time to wake up, we're going to the treehouses today," he said, patting her back, the covers drawn completely off her.

"Today? With Mel and the over one?" Connie's groggy morning voice replied, making the couple laugh. As she started to wake up Dianne returned to the case, folding Connie's clothes and placing them on Joe's side, still amazed by how small and delicate they were.

"I hungy," she stretched, sitting up in the bed, holding Americano because bunny was currently having a trip in the washing machine after being dropped in the sea and then sand in Brighton the previous day.

"Well I wondered if you wanted to ride your bike whilst Daddy, Dot, Mel and Andrew run. We thought we could run for some breakfast instead of just making some."

"But I hungy," she replied patting her tummy that felt empty and rumble-y.

"Well you can have a piece of toast or something and then proper breakfast when we get there," Dianne suggested, tucking Connie's hair behind her ear so they could see her face.

"So, toast?" Joe asked Connie, picking her up resting her on his hip, kissing her cheek. 

Connie nodded reaching for Dianne, wanting her 'as good as Mummy' to hug her too. "We love you," Dianne said, joining the hug. 

"I love you too," Connie replied, kissing each of their cheeks, "now put me down I want to see Dot's brover." 

"Charming, we've both been replaced." Joe said, kissing her head, as they linked arms and followed Connie who was already down the stairs.

"Hello Mel and Dot's brover," they heard her shout and Dianne was sure she saw the little girl do a full spin. 

"You need to get her in a dance or gymnastics class or something, with a pirouette like that," Dianne commented, as she caught up with Connie who was being spun by her brother in the air. 

"You're so much big than Daddy, Dot's brover," Connie said, as she was put back on the floor by Andrew.

"Have you forgotten his name Con?" Dianne asked, pulling the Dora The Explorer plate out of the dishwasher, for her toast. 

"Maybe a little bit, have we gotten any crumpets?" 

"We have, do you want a crumpet instead of toast, Darl'?" Dianne asked, deciding to focus on the breakfast situation rather than the Andrew's name situation. 

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