Beater and Departure.

Start from the beginning

"That was amazing, I honestly felt alive out there." I said while enjoying my meal.

"You said it, you fought with real integrity, and I was able to push myself rather hard today." He replied with a worn out smile.

After exchanging some gossip, we did a little grinding and shopping until the sunset. The Boss meeting is tomorrow, and my time with Kirito would soon come to an end. As I layed on my bed, I said a prayer for tomorrow and went to sleep.

Morning came, and we arrived at the meeting place for the Boss. As usual, me and Kirito avoided the others and decided to relax while we listened to the blue haired man "Diabel" give us the info. We were told to form a party of six, to which me and Kirito were shocked as we were the only two person team. After a heated debate about Beta Testers and my resolve to not break that guy in half for indirectly hounding Kirito, we were dismissed and told to regroup the next day. So Kirito and I did some more late night grinding, at this point we were the world's strongest players out of the entire raid party, and we decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing while eating some bread.

"This bread sucks." I complained.

"Well I always eat one every now and then, here try this." Kirito pulls out a small white bottle.

"Hmm? It's cream." I scarfed it all down.

"Listen Alice, these last two months with you has been an amazing experience. Whatever happens, I don't want a party member to die on me, let alone you." He told me with a hug.

I told him I would never die as long as he is with me, and as I hugged him back, we released and made eye contact which made my heart skip a beat.

Kirito POV

Staring into her eyes as the Full Moon came overhead, I felt bewitched but still in control. We were both blushing, and I knew if I made a move on her, then our friendship would be in jeopardy, and she knew this as well. Its hard to believe that in two months, strangers could become this close, and out of fear of losing her, I decided not to get any closer to her. We simply said our goodbyes and went to sleep, though she seemed down after that night.

Morning came and we all gathered around the Boss Room. After Diabel paired us, Alice was going to blow a fuse. After all, me and her are the strongest here and yet we are rear guard to defeat the Boss' minions. So after calming her down, we all charged the Boss Room, and he appeared; Illfang the Kobold Lord.

"EVERYONE ATTACK!" Diabel shouted as we all went into battle. Me and Alice were fighting the minions, and because of our skill, they weren't much of a threat. After a few switch attacks, the Boss had hit its final health bars, to which Diabel charged forward.

"I thought our plan was to surround it." I muttered.

"Kirito! That can't be right.. That's a No-Dachi!" Alice said, pointing at the weapon.

"The attack patterns aren't the same... DIABEL RUN! IT'S ALL DIFFERENT!" I shouted, but he was sent flying backwards, and I ran up to him.

"Idiot, what were you thinking?" I told him as I gave him a healing potion to which he refused.

As I set there, Diabel told me he too was a Beta Tester, and I needed to be the one to stop that creature. Deep down I admired him. Aside from Alice, I shut many people out, but he did not care, he lead everyone beautifully and cunningly, which is something I couldn't do. I swore I would protect Alice, and damn it I shall. As I stood up to take position, Alice joined my side.

"Let's go!" I shouted.

We charged at the Boss and I parried his first strike, to which Alice came forth and smashed him with her broken sword strength. After that I was going to finish it off until it changed attacks and I was sent flying into Alice. I could of sworn it was over until the big man "Agil" showed up and told us to heal as they would distract it. After we healed, I stopped the Boss from using a special attack.



We charged full speed and I parried the sword, she slashed it up, and I jumped in and sliced it from the stomach upwards and got the final hit. As the dust settled, the winner icon appeared and I got the "Coat of Midnight" as the bonus reward. As the people clapped for me, one man decided to jump in.

"Stop cheering.. Why are you all happy, its all his fault Diabel had to die! You knew his attack patterns and kept it from us!"

Everyone looked at me. "I Know why, he's a Beta Tester." Someone pointed out to which the crowd reacted. I noticed Agil trying to restrain Alice from killing everyone in here. But since my identity was out, I had no choice but to play the role of bad, and it would mean leaving Alice behind. No way in hell am I getting her involved.

"Hahahahaha. Beta Tester? Don't put me in the same boat with those noobs."

"Truth is I have made it higher than any Beta Tester, and I know more secrets than any info broker would ever know." I smirked.

"Y-your not a Tester, your just a damn cheater... A BEATER!" Someone said.

"A beater huh? Yeah I like that, just don't put me in the same realm as those losers." I equipped the Coat of Midnight and started walking to the next area.

"Kirito wait!" Alice ran to me.

"I am sorry Alice, but I can't drag you into this... I care too deeply about you and the last thing I want is to put you in danger. Even if you follow me... I will not allow it. Go on and make new friends, I hope we meet again down the line." I told her coldly as I disbanded the party and left. I could tell she was crying, but I had no choice.

**Sorry it took so long. Typing on mobile is a challenge. Anyway, most of the characters are going to be slightly different, and Kirito is going to be a savage at times. Anyway, hope you enjoy as we continue our journey forward.

P.S. I rush certain plots as we know how they go down, but I tend to add my own things to balance it like the annual duels. If I don't want to change something, I will slightly rush passed it unless it is very important.

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