"What do you want?" You asked as you activated the taser on your wrist. He chuckled before shaking his head. You cocked your head to the side confused. "Do you not remember me?" Now you were really confused. "What do you mean?" You asked worried on what he would say.

    He looked you straight into where your eyes would be and calmly replied. "Middle school." You took a mini step back and crossed your arms. "I'm sure you got me confused with someone else. I've never seen you before tonight." Shit it can't be him.

    He shook his head. "Nope. I'd recognize your voice anywhere. It's good to see you." He smirked. "Y/n." Now you were on edge and tased him quickly. He simple flinched in response. "Wow, so you're the spidergirl. I've had my suspicions but I didn't know it was actually true."

You took another precautionary step and added extra webbing onto him. "So what're you doing in an alley at night?" You asked trying to avoid the topic of yourself. He simply smirked. "Oh so you're not gonna ask my name. Or do you already know who I am?" He said, smugness beginning to lace his voice.

You curled your hand into a fist and looked to the ground. "Yeah I know it's you Yuki." When you looked up, you saw him with the biggest grin. "So you do remember."

You're skin felt like it was crawling with bugs every time you spoke to the guy. The last time you spoke to him was in middle school and you vowed to yourself to never speak to him again. But here you were talking to him.

    "You should let me go. We were best friends you know. I should have special privileges." You tased him again, only this time with a higher voltage. Now this time he had a reaction. He was left wincing this time.

   "Listen up asshole," you growled as you got up close to his face. "We were never 'best friends'. You fucking bullied me all throughout middle school. So no you don't get 'special privileges'," you said as you backed away.

It didn't seem the comment affected him at all. He just smiled instead. "Well I'm glad you found better friends. Like that Todoroki guy."

You quickly spun around and had your taser ready. "How do you know him?" He simply rolled his eyes. "I have my ways."

   You turned away and readied your webs. "Leaving already? Well it was so nice seeing you again Y/n. Oh don't worry your secret is safe with me." You turned to him one last time, flipped his off and swung away.

   Once you were a couple of roofs away you heard the police sirens. Thank fucking god. You took off your mask and wiped off the dry blood on your face. "Shit that's gonna leave a scar," you mumbled to yourself.

Time to start thinking of an excuse for the scar, you thought to yourself. You quickly put on your mask and begun swinging back home.

  ~time skip~

    "And that's how you solve for the quadratic equation!" Your algebra teacher announced at the end of class. You were half paying attention, most of your focus was trying to stay awake. After everything Yuki said, you couldn't sleep last night.

   So far no one has made any comment on the bandaid on your face, either no one noticed it or no one cared. Either way, you were glad no one brought it up.

As you were putting your things away, you felt someone standing next to you. You turned to see Todoroki waiting for you. You smiled and put on your backpack. "Hey Todo!"

He gave a small, quick smile before returning back to his monotone expression. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to my house to work on our project since you couldn't yesterday."

Todoroki oneshots and headcanons (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now