Part Three

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The last couple of months have been really hard. College is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be and not having Benji here to help me has been rough. Time has flown though, and I'm leaving in a few hours to catch a flight to see Benji for the first time since he left for college. It's about a 10 hour flight, which will be hell, but pretty soon I'll be in Benji's arms. I'll be able to kiss and tough him for the first time in months.

"What time do you want to leave, again?" Cameron, my roommate asks me from across the room. Unexpectedly, we've became really close friends. He's very nice and we have a lot of the same classes, so we spend a lot of time studying together and just hanging out when we get bored.

There's a small part of me that thinks he likes me because I'll catch him flirting every once in a while, but he never acts on it. He knows I'm in love with Benji and we spend a good portion of our time together talking about him. He even offered to drive me to the airport so I wouldn't have to call a cab.

"Can we leave in, like, an hour?" I look up from my suitcase and give him a small smile. He's leaning up against the wall next to his bed.

"Sure," He flashes his perfect white teeth at me. "Are you okay? You seem nervous."

I cock my head to the side giving him a curious glance. "What do you mean?"

"Jorge," Cameron laughs. "You've folded and refolded that red sweater at least six times."

I look down at the sweater in my hands, then at the mostly empty suitcase on the bed. I sigh, folding the sweater again and setting on my bed. I sit down facing him and run my fingers through my hair.

"I'm so excited to see Benji," I start. "I just don't know what to pack. I've never been to America and I don't know what they wear there. Is it cold? Or maybe they just wear different clothes than I do. Benji even has been changing his style a little-"

"Benji's excited you see you too." Cameron cuts me off giving me a smile. "It doesn't matter what you wear, he's just glad you're coming to see him. Pack that sweater and a few others, but bring a couple t-shirts too, just in case it's hot."

"Okay," Cameron's right. I stand up and place the folded red sweater in my suitcase and walk over to my dresser to get a few more shirts.

"Pack those blue jeans you wore yesterday," Cameron's voice cracks. He scratches his head when I turn to look at him. "They look nice on you, is all. Benji will like them."

I feel my face get hot at the compliment and grab the pair of jeans Cameron's talking about.

Once I've finished packing my clothes, I put my toiletry bag in my suitcase. That's one of the worst things about my college: I have to share one bathroom with the whole floor. Benji gets a room and a whole bathroom to himself. On top of everything else, I'm excited to be able to take a shower without worrying about someone walking in on me.

"Are you ready to go?" Cameron asks when he looks at the time on his phone.

I can't fight back the smile on my face when I nod my head and pick up my bags. I'll be with Benji soon enough.


I yawn, stretching my arms in the air when I get off the plane. I was able to sleep through most of the flight, but am still tired due to the drastic time change. When I left Spain, it was around five in the afternoon. Now, in America, it's just hitting five in the afternoon. Im exhausted, but have never been more excited in my life.

I text Benji, telling him I'm here. My stomach does flips as I wait for my luggage. When I finally find it, I get a text back telling me he just parked his car and is coming inside to get me. Seeing as I have a few minutes before he gets to where I'm at, I find a bathroom nearby to wash my face at.

Splashing my face with cold water helps wake me up, but doesn't get rid of the splotchy red marks all over. Still, I can't ignore the lively look on my face knowing in just a few minutes I will be reunited with my love.

I reach into my carry on and grab the deodorant and cologne. I put them both on and run my fingers through my hair, trying to get it to lay flat. I give myself one last smile in the mirror and grab my bags, walking out of the bathroom I search of a large built boy with crazy black hair.

"Jorge!" I hear his voice from somewhere behind me. The voice I'm in love with that I haven't heard in person for months.

Before I can even turn around his arms are around me, pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around his back, fitting my face into his neck. He's so warm, and his skin is so soft. It feels like home.

"Benji," I hear my voice crack. I can't stop myself from shedding a few tears.

"Baby," Benji pulls away just enough to look at me. His smiles bright when our eyes meet. "I missed you so much."

I take his cheeks into my hands and pull him towards me, kissing his lips softly. His fingers feel like heaven in my hair and the more I push back my smile, it comes back with even more force.

"Benji, I-I," I cant even form a sentence as I stare at him in front of me. He isn't covered in pixels from my phone and his voice is in sync with his lips.

"I know," He smiles down at me, letting me know he feels the same way. Instead of saying anything, I wrap my arms around him again, closing my eyes and trying to take in the feeling of him.

"Can we go?" I ask after a few minutes of holding him. As glad as I am to be with him, I want to be with him without a bunch of strangers around us. Being so close to him almost made me forget we're still standing in the middle of the airport.

"Yeah, baby," Benji flashes me a wide grin. "Let's go."

Benji grabs my suitcase and pulls it behind him, holding my hand in his free one. When we get outside, I'm met with cold air. I silently thank Cameron for telling me to pack all those sweaters.

"I'm so happy," I blurt out when we finish putting my bags in his car and I sit in the passenger seat next to him.

"Me too, baby," Benji kisses my cheek and rests his hand on my thigh. It's a feeling Ive forgotten how much I love. "Campus is about an hour away, so get some sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Before I can even protest, my eyes are closed.

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