🚫Hitoshi Shinsou x reader🚫

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„After the on attack USJ, UA High confirmed that there has been a traitor among the students," the lilac haired boy listened carefully to the news report. It wasn't his fault that this happened but he still felt guilty. „The traitor seems to be F/n L/n or Y/n Toga from the general department class. After closer inspection of the police, they found evidence she has contacted the league multiple times before. Like her twin sister Himiko Toga she has a blood related quirk. We advi-" Shinsou turned the tv off.

He knew the girl from the start of the school year. He knew very well that she wasn't there to become a hero, yet he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he- no- his quirk could make her stay with him and ditch the league.

„Uwah! Shinsou-kun your quirk is soo cool! You will become a great hero!!" Y/n smiled as the boy just stared at her. „Thanks... Your quirk is cool too i suppose" he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

„My quirk just lets me borrow someone elses quirk by consuming their blood, what's cool about that? It's better suited for a villain than a hero don't you think?" the girl said as she titled her head to the side looking at Shinsou with sad eyes.

„Quirks doesn't define who we are.. i learned that too late"

Shinsou went out of his room. Going to the kitchen to get some snacks. After the attack the school gave them a day off.

„Hitoshi-kun would you like to go to the movies with me after school?" „Oh N/n sure..it would be nice to hang out with you again" Shinsou said with a tint of al blush forming on his cheeks. They have been dating for a few weeks now, but he still was new to this relationship thing.

Y/n didn't talk about her family. She just mentioned her twin sis multiple times during their small conversations.

Few days before the attack she was acting wierd. When he asked her about that she just shrugged it off with a laugh.

„haha ... I'm sorry 'Toshi. I'm sorry I've been lying to you this whole time. I am a villain. I have been giving information to the league for the past weeks but please! Don't let this stop you and become the greatest hero you can be!" she kissed the boy on his cheek. „I choose to be a villain long time ago but you still have a chance. I believe in you!"

Shinsou knew well you won't come back. Not because you didn't love him anymore. He always found a sticky note on his bedroom door with said „I love you! Your N/n" with a small gift attached to it. Sure it was creepy, but it was from you. He knew that you won't come back because you don't want to ruin his dream of becoming a hero. After all, the whole Japan is after you and the LOV.

He sat near windows eating cereals. There was a rain ongoing, perfect for the sad and gloomy atmosphere.

„Y/n promise me that we will meet some day again," the girl laughed at his sentence. „'Toshi of course we will meet again! I won't leave you behind"
„N/n who's that? They are so cute! Is that the guy you've been talking about so much?" Toga came to the two covered in blood. „This is Shinsou-kun my boyfriend!" said the h/c haired girl as she hold onto hers lover hand. „N/n you're so cuuute together!!" she squealed, „but we need to leave now. Kurogiri is already waiting and the police will be here soon!" Toga giggled as she turned around and walked away. „Wah! Wait for me Himi!" the girl ran after her twin leaving the lilac boy behind. Before they turned the corner, she looked at the boy and blew a kiss to him for the last time.

„God Y/n, you're so childish.. and murdery... Why did i fall for you again?" Shinsou let out a dry laugh. He stared out the window.

After the Shie Hassaikai group debut Shinsou stopped getting visits or notes from Y/n. He thought it was because the LOV needed to stay on alert after all that drama. Until the boy got a note on his door with a different handwriting.

„You actually came! I thought you wouldn't come because the handwriting didn't look like N/n.." Toga said to Shinsou with a big smile. Yet her eyes showed sadness.
„Why did you wanted to meet me here.. and why isn't Y/n contacting me?" the lavender haired boy asked as the psycho just looked down. After few minutes of silence small sobbing came from the girl. „N/n is gone.. she charged with big sis Magne on the Hassaikai's leader and got killed!" By the time Toga has finished, she was crying her eyes out. Shinsou was shocked. He couldn't get a single emotion out of him. The time has stopped for him. The girl he loved died, he couldn't even say his goodbye to her.
"I will keep my promise and i will be the best hero for you Y/n" the boy thought to himself, tears falling one by one, slowly forming stains on his shirt.

This society is cruel... not all of us gets happy endings.

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