2: Dinner With The Grangers

Start from the beginning

"Aha!" he said smugly. "I finally got you to talk!"

"Oh shut up." she groaned. She then expertly changed the subject. "So what are you doing in my house?"

"Well," he began, "it turns out your mum's a really good dentist..."

"What, Really?! That's how she invited you?"

"Yup." he said. "I stupidly managed to break my tooth the other day and your mum very kindly removed it for me. She's very nice by the way, you've got a great mum."

"Thanks." she muttered.

At that moment, the kids were called in to the dining room for dinner. Hermione got up straight away and whisked off.

Y/N chuckled at her behavior, she was obviously worried that her parents would embarrass her in front of him. He wasn't stupid, he had been Hermione's first friend, so naturally she must have told her parents a lot about him. They would both be teased relentlessly by Hermione's parents today. That much was obvious.

Entering the dining room, Y/N very nearly drooled at the sight of all the food. Mrs Granger seemed to have prepared a small feast for her guests.

Hermione was already at the table, when she saw him, she quickly hid again by staring down at her plate so he couldn't see her face, and began wolfing down her food.

As he sat, Mrs Granger told him to help himself to the food. It would be impolite to deny her, so he began loading his plate.

"So, Y/N, I've heard from Hermione that you're a natural sportsman," Mr Granger said. "Play football at all?"

Y/N swallowed his food before answering. "Well... I did play once or twice back in Primary school, and my classmates said I had a natural talent for it. I never really played again after that though."

"Well that's a pity, but what about this Kiddich-thingy I've heard about. You're one of the reserve players aren't you?"

Hermione groaned. "Quidditch, dad."

Y/N smiled. He began explaining Quidditch to Hermione's father, explaining the positions of the four balls and the players that played the game. He listened with great interest. After a while, they were having a full on conversation, as if they were old school friends.

Unknown to either of them, Mrs Granger stopped talking to Annie for a minute and nudged her daughter. "They seem to be hitting it off wouldn't you agree?" Annie laughed.

Hermione rolled her eyes a little and continued eating.

"Why don't you tell us how you met Hermione, Y/N?" Hermione's mother said loudly.

"No!" Hermione whispered furiously, loud enough for only her mother to hear her.

Y/N tilted his head in slight confusion. "What do you mean Mrs Granger? You were there when we met. It was on the platform in King's Cross remember?"

"Ah yes, I know, but how did the two of you become such good friends?" Mrs Granger asked. "Did you just hit it off on that day? We've heard so much about you from Hermione. She said you were the kindest, sweetest person she'd ever met, and befriended her straight away."

Hermione squeaked a little and buried her face in her arms again, not wanting Y/N to see how embarrassed she was. "Muuuumm!" she groaned.

"Y/N's been called a lot of things, kind and sweet were never one of them." Annie said slyly. Y/N threw her a look.

"I'm not that bad!" he said defensively.

"Which means," Annie went on, ignoring him. "If Y/N showed his kind side to Hermione, a side that he's rarely shown to anyone before, their friendship must really be something."

As the two women laughed, the children's faces burned up a little, even Mr Granger was starting to look a little uncomfortable at where this discussion was going.

"Enough of that for now!" he said, clapping his hands together. "Who's ready for dessert?"

"Eh? Hang on, Y/N hasn't answered the question yet." Mrs Granger said.

"Yes, time for dessert!" said Hermione loudly, in a falsely cheery voice. "I'll go and get it."

She bolted from the room.

"I should go and help her." Mrs Granger said, also getting up to go the kitchen.

After the two Grangers returned, they all enjoyed cake and ice cream before Annie checked her watch.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, but we really should be going now." she said. " I left my assistant in charge back at the Orphanage, and she'll have to head home soon."

At the word 'Orphanage' the two adult Grangers eyes seemed to widen slightly, but only for a fraction of a second.

"Are you sure you can't stay for a little longer? We don't mind at all." Mrs Granger said.

"No, I'm sorry, we really should be going now." Annie said.

In no time, Y/N and Annie had gotten their coats back on and were ready to leave.

"Thanks so much for having us Mrs Granger." Y/N said politely.

"Oh, it was quite alright. Don't be afraid to come again. We'd be very glad to have you to keep Hermione company from time to time."

"Hermione will always be welcome to come and visit Y/N in the Orphanage whenever she likes." Annie said.

"Goodbye! Thank you for having us!" said Y/N and Annie as they left, waving.

As the front door closed, Y/N and Annie walked along the sidewalk, waiting to hail a cab.

"They were very nice weren't they?" said Annie. "I'm glad you've made such a good friend at that magic school of yours."

Y/N looked back at the house. "Me too." he said softly.

* * *

Back at the Granger household, Mrs Granger sat down with Hermione on the sofa. Mr Granger sitting opposite them on his couch.

"You never told us Y/N was an orphan Hermione." said Mrs Granger, a hint of sadness in her tone. "I just assumed Mrs Collins was his mother."

Hermione sat quietly. "They have different surnames don't they?" Hermione said. "And Y/N isn't an orphan. His mother is still alive. She's just... not in a fit state to raise him."

"Whats wrong with her?" Her father asked.

"She's..." she began, before realising that she wasn't entirely sure herself. "I think she might be insane, or something like that."

Mrs Granger stared out of the window, her expression sombre.

"Poor boy..."

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