"Jennie," Jisoo angled her neck giving Jennie more room, which made her want to do a ridiculous fist bump.

"Hmm?" she hummed into her skin.

"Telling me you prefer me moaning to talking is not how you get me into bed. Sorry to burst your bubble hot stuff, but it isn't gonna work..."

Jennie stilled and pulled back, unable to help the pout, "it isn't?"

"No...you can't tell me that works with other girls? You're basically saying you want them to shut up and spread their legs!"

"Well," she flushed, "mostly I do..."

"Big turn off babe," Jisoo patted her knee dismissively.

"You said you didn't necessarily want a relationship," Jennie frowned. "And we've talked...."

"Yeah but I want to be made to feel good about myself, and being told my moaning is a better noise than my conversation doesn't make me feel good. In fact it's pretty annoying - even if it's casual I kinda like to be more than just a warm body. I think," Jisoo laid a hand on her knee, "I think maybe we should keep this to chat, ok? If you need to get laid - go get laid, ok?" Jisoo squeezed her knee and stood.

"Ok," Jennie sat back, feeling chastised and offended.

"I get it," Jisoo's face softened, "your job is life and death, you put yourself in dangerous situations and you like to let off steam with casual sex. You don't want the conversation because it makes a one night thing have potential to become a two night thing and for whatever reason that's worse than no sex," Jisoo shrugged and pulled her bag onto her shoulder. "You're sexy Jennie and really fucking hot. Go find a girl who wants just sex too...for me...I need the conversation to feel attracted, I need someone to be attracted to me body and mind to even enjoy the casual sex. And I really love second and third and fourth time sex because I love knowing a girls body and what really does it for them. This was fun," she gave a little shrug as Jennie gaped at her, more shocked than she liked to admit, "but I'm out. Have fun," Jisoo leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek, filling her nostrils with that delicious smell for one last moment before she was heading out of the bar, who knew where considering she lived above it.

Jennie stared at the seat where Jisoo had been sat - this vibrant, beautiful woman who was the dictionary definition of sexy, but so obviously so much more and considered what had happened. Jennie wasn't apologetic about what she wanted. After fighting a fire she wanted what most of them wanted, someone alive and warm in her bed making her feel good and coming apart for her, because of her. There was nothing wrong with that. None of the other women seemed to have a problem with her less talk, more action approach. And she and Jisoo had spoken - more than she normally did, because Jisoo was smart, confident, and an excellent flirt.

She thought back over her whole 'now that's a much better sound' line and conceded that it may have come across a little like she wanted the girl to just shut up. And in truth she had. She'd wanted Jisoo moaning, chest heaving, as she sucked on a nipple and had her fingers buried inside of her. She'd wanted Jisoo so turned on, so filled with lust that she was incapable of speech. She wanted the only word to be coming out of her mouth, in that husky voice of hers to be her name. Her body clenched and she ached between her thighs at the very thought. The thing was she hadn't wanted Jisoo to stop talking because she wasn't interested in what she had to say. It was the opposite. She was far too interested in every single thing Jisoo had to say - whether it was a vet story, a personal one or even just flirtatious banter. She'd been like a puppy hanging on the girls every word. So yes, Jisoo had needed to shut up, but for more than one reason and not the reason Jisoo seemed to think.

Jennie looked around the bar, taking in the other patrons for the first time that evening. She needed sex, needed release - more from Jisoo's abrupt departure than the emergency situation of earlier, but still - the thought of heading home alone wasn't appealing. There was one girl who had potential. She stared at the brunette who was gorgeous and should have absolutely been her type. She sighed and caught her eye, lifting the bottle of tequila and nodding at the seat Jisoo had vacated. The brunette gave her an appraising look before heading over. She was beautiful, and Jennie tried really hard to feel the buzz of attraction.

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