J. Viper

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Name: Joules Myran ViperNickname: Vi

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Name: Joules Myran Viper
Nickname: Vi

Age: 22


Joules initially was a normal kid before Project Shadow ended up wrecking his life. As a child he knew that his family wasn't originally from Korea. Actually he's only partially Korean. His mom is french and Korean while his father is Chinese. Both of his parents are incredibly loving and we're quite lucky to have him and his sister Rochelle. Both children proved to be smart as a whip Rochelle even skipping a grade and being in the same class as her older brother. Joules though out schooling proved to be very talented and have quite the interest in science and he loved biology. Little did he know his love of biology would also be a cause of great stress for him later. Joules would grow up to have a love for school and sports while also being quite the catch to the girls around him. In terms of sports he was a triple A athlete being one of the best in MMA, Basketball and Archery and on the school side he held a 4.0 GPA and was top of his class. Around his sophomore year a letter came in the mail for his family it was from his friend Kuro's family lab. It was an offer to students or those interested in a biology experiment and Joules family knowing his interest in biology let him sign up. What they didn't know is that it was a military project and almost signing off on their sons death. The project seemed normal for the first year and there was nothing abnormal till about halfway through the second year of the project. One day joules went to the lab and he was working along side the scientists next thing he knew he was blacking out and when he woke up he felt sick and mysteriously had this necklace with his initials on it. He couldn't remember what just happened and he certainly didn't know what changes his body had just undergone. The project was studying the editing of human genes and well the completion and test phase of the project would be part of a military weapon. As for when they went home joules just reported all things as usual since as far as he knew it was normal. Later in the testing of the edited genes Joules would soon find out what had really happened but wouldn't tell his parents or sister for their own safety. The blank in his memory was the procedure in which his own gender were edited and the necklace he now has was a key to a new ability that he had. He could quite literally become a Shadow and it was developed to be a military weapon used on shoulders. The way they tested the receptiveness of the edited genes? Simple joules and three others that happened to be his friends were told that the people who were brought in and they were told to fight were criminals receiving the death penalty, the four had no clue they were lied to. Many people, innocent people died at the hands of their own testing. Things with the project would go even more awry later in his Senior year. He would notice the military commander checking in more and more often and each time he seemed increasingly upset about something. Untill about a week after graduation from highschool there were no more visits from the commander untill one day when the project was shut down and not in any simple means either. The lab erupted in chaos. There were multiple fights and the lap was set on fire. Really everyone in there should have died except the four subjects of Project Shadow survived. Joules while it tortures him remembers everything about escaping and how he got the scar on his arm in a fight to get out. Everything about the project haunts him but he's determined to live on.

Because of the project joules is quiet and cold, he doesn't bother with hardly anyone or anything. Previously be was extroverted but has become an introvert preferring quite and small things. He's incredibly smart and talented. Joules tends to be analytical and more on the thinking and planning side rather than spontaneous and judging. Once he's made up his mind he's set on it and won't change it unless there's a pretty damn good reason for it. Words that come to mind for joules are:



He has a single Tattoo on his back a viper around a rose of his sister's favorite color

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He has a single Tattoo on his back a viper around a rose of his sister's favorite color.

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